Sunday, October 01, 2023

A Slap of Poignancy

Jonathan landed his first job. For two shifts per week, he will be delivering groceries to the cars that have ordered pickup. He will wheel the groceries out in all kinds of weather and transfer them into trunks.

The news gave me a little slap. No, it wasn't a huge jolt, but I did get a bit sentimental for a while. After all, he is my youngest grandchild, albeit only my second grandchild, taking a step out into the world. This caused me to experience a poignant moment or two.

The next day, bv chance, I found myself perusing a picture folder from 2010, when he was but a mere year-and-a-half year-old toddler. We were having a bit of a family reunion at the cottage when child #2 was visiting. We went to the lake one day, which seemed to please him greatly.

Time goes quickly. So very quickly.


  1. Oh dear it does indeed. My eldest grandchild is about to turn 19 and I could turn around once and it was the day she was born. God bless your grandson in his new endeavor. xoxo

  2. Is this the same store that your granddaughter works at?
    Time does fly. What a cute toddler he was.

  3. Agreed that time goes by so fast as our grandson also started his first job this summer working in a supermarket in RI. We have heard from him and his mom that he has done extremely well there.

  4. Time does go quickly. Sometimes too quickly. Looking back at old photos it can be hard to remember the grands like that.

  5. @Marcia. Danica did work at that store, but she has been at a non-grocery store for awhile now. She's usually on the courtesy desk.

  6. I expect he feels pretty grown up now, earning, working. But the older generation can't believe it!

  7. Sweet-cheeked little boy.
    It's fun to look at them now -- adult kids, in my case -- and remember the little boy inside them. Weird, bittersweet, but fun too. -Kate

  8. Yes. I have been given another chance with the recent birth of my fourth grandchild, but I fear I will not be alive to see her as a young adult. That is the trade off.

  9. I love to see who they were then, and think of who they are today. A fine looking lad!

  10. Time does pass quickly but you seem to enjoy the moments. He's a fine young man and you have a great relationship. Hard to see them grown up though.

  11. It sure does. We have to enjoy the moments we get for sure!

  12. He must be proud to have the new job!

  13. I was just thinking this morning "October 1st already. What happened to September?"

  14. Warm photos down the memory lane.

  15. Good for him with a first job...not an easy one either! Is he still going to play hockey? Yep, we elders feel even more so when they grow up!

  16. Yes. They grow up and fly so soon. I know he is thrilled to earn his own money, though.

  17. Time goes very quickly and it seems to speed up.

  18. So very VERY quickly! I feel as if I'm taking a victory lap and the last look around this beloved world. Although I hope the lap lasts a good 30 years! Aloha

  19. My goodness! I've watched him grow up here on your blog--congratulations to him on this big step!

  20. He was a beautiful grandchild then and a very handsome young man now. Time does fly.

  21. You speak truth, kemosabe.

  22. Maybe more painful: he's gonna see about taxes on that paycheck. What!? Now you need to order some groceries for the pick-up line! Be ready for a tip for him? Linda in Kansas

  23. Congratulations Johnathan on securing yourself a job. One of many steps in gaining independence ... he'll be driving soon! :)

    Agreed, time moves along all too quickly.

  24. Isn't it amazing?! I think the time goes faster when they are grandkids.
    Josephine just returned from her week-long field trip to Halifax. Next she is job hunting!

  25. One day you wake up and they are tall. And drive.
