Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Finally! A Bright Day

It has not been the very best autumn for leaf-peeping. First, there is us and our little problems. Then, there has been a definite lack of brilliant weather. Finally, the displays that we have seen have possibly not been quite as grand as in some years.

There was enough of a break on that one recent morning, and, as I posted yesterday, we got Sue's photoshoot done before the skies closed again. It has been gloomy and even rainy ever since that morning, and when I look at the forecast, I see another week of clouds.

But yesterday dawned bright and clear. So, after I did a little shopping for family last evening's family dinner, I seized that the opportunity to detour to the park for some quick photos. I'm glad that I did, for while some trees were bare, others glimmered in the light.

I went home quite satisfied. I will have more to share tomorrow, for they require their own post.


  1. What a lovely spot to take photos. I'm glad you took the detour.

  2. It's amazing what the sun does to bring out the colors. Yesterday I watched the sun come out on the mountain behind us and leaf colors really popped. When I thought to try to get a photos, sun was gone.

  3. It is a drought of autumn colour here this year though a few areas are pretty. These photos are gorgeous!

  4. It does seem to take an eye which knows how to crop what we see, to get the contrast which pops that color out. My favorite is the second for some reason. Thanks for sharing your art!

  5. I have not heard a lot about the Canadian fires lately. Are they still burning?

  6. Lovely captures. And glimmer is exactly what they do.

  7. @Ed, Frankly, I have heard anything either.

  8. I have a feeling snow may be heading your way fairly soon.

  9. The light on those trees is spectacular!

  10. Such beautiful colours. You live in a very attractive area.

  11. Beautiful. The sun really makes the colours pop.

  12. Gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow.

  13. I can see how they might. WOW what a gorgeous tree. Can't wait to see its neighbors. xoxo

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  15. That tree is just gorgeous!

  16. They are beautiful and worth gazing at more than once. Thank you!

  17. I love the beauty of the light. Even though standing in bright sun mostly has me feeling like I may be acquiring a sunburn, in photography it cannot be beat. My locale rarely has heavy sunlight, so photos like yours are a treat.


  18. Now I'm wondering how come the shadow is on the same side of the tree as the light coming to the tree.

  19. Beautiful. Looking forward to the rest.

  20. @Red. Good observation. I would have never thought about it. The sun is not very high these days, so I guess the shadows and light can come from the same direction. Farther trees cast the shadow, but the light hits trees where there's no impediment.

  21. Even trees not in their full autumn colors are gorgeous. Lovely shots.

  22. Just lovely! I'm glad you went shopping...

  23. Those colors look like maple trees. They were just starting to change color in Illinois when we were there. My daughter said we missed the reds by a week. I'm so glad you got a sunny day.

  24. I'm glad you had that same day we had -- sunny and 75 here. It's gone now -- rain ever since. But you maxed it out. Gorgeous!
