Thursday, October 19, 2023

Whining and Whinging

It's 3:30am. I have given up sleep, and here I am. At the keyboard to whine and whinge. You lucky blog-reading person, you.

What a night! As short as it was.

I decided to go to sleep in my chair. And I did. For about an hour when I awoke in a sweat.

I changed my shirt and went to bed instead, but I didn't stay long because my newest affliction would not let me find a comfortable position.

The newest affliction is a torn rotator cuff and being a side sleeper, neither the left side nor the right provided relief.

Which was why I was in the chair to begin with, for there, I can more often find the angles that minimize the pain. 

The rotator cuff is my own diagnosis at this point, but whatever it is, I have a lot of upper arm and shoulder pain. Sometimes it pulses, even when I am not moving. It is most annoying and distracting. While one might sleep through a moderate, steady pain, pulsing pain renders repose nigh unto impossible.

So back went I to the chair.

But it's not easy because my positions are greatly constricted. Not only do I now have to deal with the new rotator cuff issue, but I am always positionally limited by my chronic scrotal pain. I won't try to describe the contortions in which I have to put my legs in order to try to limit said scrotal pain. I can do it, but with the added annoyance of the shoulder pain, it isn't exactly easy.

And then there was the heat. No matter what combination of blankets or non-blankets (be they  electric or regular), sweatshirts or no shirt (not quite no shirt, but you know ...),  I could not regulate my bodily temperature. When my core was warm, it was too warm, but my legs still felt cold. I do tend to have cold spots there.

What a mess am I! Sometimes, I feel like I must be 102 years old rather than 76. What a freaking year this has been.

And then, around 3 o'clock, I had an inkling. An inkling that I might not have taken my pills last night. Including that trazadone that usually helps to get me 5 or 6 hours on most nights. I checked the pill container. Sure enough. I was not about to take that pill at 3:30, so here am I. Pouring out my grief and woe to y'all.

So, the shoulder, heat, cold, and general discomfort got me up not long after 3. I might just as well have given up after the initial sweat-through at midnight.

In light of my ridiculous night, I have cancelled my brain surgeries for the day – the ones that I was going to perform and not the one one which I need to have done to me. I really should have someone examine my addled brain. Can they do brain transplants yet? Or, keep the brain and do a complete body transplant maybe?

I suppose that I will keep my mid-morning coffee meetup with the photo boys. It's been a month since we last met, and I can just sit there glassy-eyed while they talk and I don't, for that is how our meetings tend to go at the best of times.

Speaking of coffee, it is now 4 o'clock. Maybe I will have my second cup already so soon.

I hope this isn't too incoherent, for I am about to hit that Publish button regardless.


  1. What a bummer! Might want to place your pill box in the path that leads to bed. It's such a repetitive thing to take pills that it's hard to remember if you've taken them. Might want to print out this blog entry and take it to your urologist and an orthopaedic surgeon. You deserve not to be in pain still after all of your procedures. The orthopaedic guy can give you a correct diagnosis and maybe give you a cortisone shot to stop the shoulder pain (ice and Advil are typical helpers.) Certain simple daily physical therapy moves can help. I've hung so many IV bags, that I have a bone spur in my shoulder. If I do 4 little band-pulling exercises, the pain stops! Your sweating should be a concern for your usual doc; pretty sure it's not menopause, but it's also a sign of diabetes. Consider checking in with the docs, after you've had a nap. Good luck, Linda in Kansas

  2. What physical exertion did you do to rip your rotator cuff?

  3. What happened to you that damaged your rotator cuff?


  4. If you can find one, an acupuncturist might help your arm to recover. I am amazed at what my provider can do!

  5. Good (awful sleepy) morning to you! By now I hope you're meeting photo friends and can make due comments about pain whenever you feel like talking. No fun last night...and we all want you to get some treatment or another, though it does require driving someplace and waiting to be seen. I hope you do remember meds next time. I've sometimes arrived at early appointments for Dr. and forgotten my morning meds...and somehow the tests they perform turn out ok.

  6. Get in line for the doc now and get an XR or MRI and physical therapy prescribed. Trust me on this -- I've had torn rotator cuff surgery in the past and delaying makes it harder. Yours sounds very bad, like my first one. I have two tears now but they are smaller tears and doing the PT helped tremendously. I really feel for you -- it can so affect sleep and your daily life. Call today.

  7. I slept in to 5 this morning, the first time in weeks. I feel young again!

    I tore my rotator cuff badly last winter. But my orthopedic told me that these days, they consider surgery the last resort unless you are an athlete. The surgery lets you have fuller motion sooner but still takes the same amount of time to fully heal and can have permanent side effects or cause you to do more injury by doing something stupid sooner. They gave me some pain killers for the first week and eventually it stopped hurting. I opted for just the PT exercises with the large rubber band. I ended up regaining full motion in about half the predicted time though the PT exercises had me crying at times.

  8. Ugh. The anguish of a sleepless night! We both had a sleepless night Sunday night. It was awful. The worst part was that Monday was a complete waste of a day. I was so bleary eyed that I could only manage a bit of puttering around the house. Every time that I sat down, I fell asleep. Tim was no better.

    What on earth did you do to your shoulder. If you do not remember injuriing it, consider a nerve trapped at your acromion's hook. I was in agony, and it was the pulsing pain you describe. One shot of cortisone, and it was, miraculously, blessedly gone. I was out stacking firewood the same day.

  9. Indeed. I am surfing from chair to bed and having body temp regulation woes also. Age is 81, so just think what you will have to deal with in five years. Luckily, I am female.
    I sent a writeup twice, once last night and once this morning, without attaching it.
    One coffee in. And, having just checked my pill bottle, didn't do the morning ones.
    Just so you know you're not alone.
    But ... the goshawful cartoon was not too bad this morning. You are hitting at least one cylinder.

  10. Sometimes whinging is our best relief.

  11. I'm so sorry about the multiple pains in various body parts (areas?). John has a shoulder issue too; he got a cortisone shot and is going to PT, plus doing exercises (homework) with bands at home. It seems to be helping. Hope you enjoy your outing and can get more rest today/tonight.

  12. My recent fall keeps me in pain during the day but at night an IbuprofinPM works wonders. Getting old is not for the weak of mind or heart and we need to be surrounded by the sympathetic!!

  13. Wow! That all sounds terrible. It seems that everyone who has commented has luck with PT so it might be the way to go. Hope that you sleep tonight.

  14. Ouch!

    I'm favoring my left ankle after an injury a couple weeks back, but aggravated it on the weekend.

  15. What a common experience we all get. The good news is that you might be able to sleep in the following night. Try mindfulness techniques.

  16. Torn rotator cup is the absolute pitts. I've had it a few years ago. I was given a corteson shot and although it's not cured I can live with it. Right now the Micro Manager has a torn rotator cuff.

  17. Glad you cancelled the brain surgeries!

  18. Just reading this late in the evening. I do hope you managed a few naps and found some way to relieve at least some of the pain. I sure feel for you.

  19. Oh my. I hope these issues are resolved soon, AC. A doctor’s help is required!

  20. Ugh AC, I hurt for you just reading this, albeit I am nearly a week behind. (On the day you hit publish, I had a major dental surgery and have been out of commission.) Shoulder pain is the worst -- I too have a rotator cuff tear but it has been many years since I experienced a flare-up and most of the time it lies dormant -- and I know the agony of that. And not being able to get your legs comfortable while sleeping is a true nightmare. And mercy! Forgetting to take your pills and not realizing it until the wee hours! That is murder. I guess you were right to get up, pour out your anguish to your readers, and hit publish. Here's to better nights of sleep ahead. xoxo
