Monday, October 16, 2023

Sue's Fourth and Final Seasonal Photo

We have taken three photos of Sue in a spot in the park: winter, spring and summer. It was time for the autumn photo. Unfortunately, the canopy of leaves overhead had not yet changed colour, but there were leaves on the ground and a bit of colour on the other side of the river. 

Sue scooped up leaves in both her hands (first photo) and her umbrella (second photo).

We had trouble timing her throws with the phone because phones are slow to fire, and you would be lucky to get more that one photo out of an attempt. And the falling leaves may not be where you want them. After many tries, this ↑ was the best attempt, and it's pretty darn good, but maybe we could do better.

Fortunately, I had thought to bring my camera, which has the capability of firing off many photos in seconds. I just hold the button down, and it takes photo after photo. In theory, at least one photo might be suitable.

But then, I added a little photoshop magic by combing three images of the leaves in different parts of their descent. It took a little effort, but I wanted to see if I could get a good result.

I probably should have cropped some of the foreground to make Sue look larger, as in the first photo.

By blending three photos, I was able to get leaves all of the way from the umbrella down to just about the ground and on both sides of Sue. I think we can call that a success. However, there is a possibility that we might try again if the leaves of the overhead leaves change colour and we have a nice day.


Patio Postcards said...

Lots of fun in the leaves. Both photos are good (IMO).

Marie Smith said...

Love these shots, AC. I’d never attempt the photoshop you do. Too technical for me. You do a great job at it.

Barbara Rogers said...

I have a button on my iPhone, which I don't ever use because my PC doesn't understand Apple things. It's for "live" shots and quickly takes 3 photos of any one scene with the one push of the shutter. I only get one shot downloaded to the PC. It's not the latest iPhone, but is serving me well, and I hope to keep it several more years. I love that you can combine different shots to get the extra leaves added for that last shot. Here's hoping the color in the trees changes soon too, so you can capture them as well.

MARY G said...

Pretty dern good, there, AC. I like the throwing one, not sure why.

Liz Hinds said...

What program do you use to tweak your photos like that? Very lovely.

Catalyst said...

I prefer the first one, too.

William Kendall said...

Good shots!

RedPat said...

I like them both but the throwing is the best one if you could catch a few more leaves.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Fabulous! xoxo

roentare said...

You really enjoy yourself!

Jeanie said...

Well done with the images. They're great fun. In that first, Sue looks like she's saying to the tree, "Why, oh why, didn't you turn golden for this photo shoot!"

Debby said...

I really like the last picture. I would like to see a cropped version of that.

Marcia said...

You two have so much fun with photos.

Joanne Noragon said...

Nice job so far. Actually, way good enough.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The photo blending worked well, AC. Leaves can be tricky to capture in mid-air and many photos later you may get exactly what you hoped for...or you can add a little photo "magic" through Photoshop.

Vicki Lane said...

A fun exercise!

PipeTobacco said...

Both photos are really very nice! Too bad there wasn’t a red maple with strongly red leaves nearby to use.

Tabor said...

Good for you. Too bad you do not live nearer as I am sure you have many camera tricks I could use. Your wife looks lovely!

gigi-hawaii said...

This is such a fun project to do as a couple. I love the first shot the best, though, because Sue is the star in it.

Margaret said...

What excellent photos! Love the fall leaves although I don't love them falling all over my lawn.