Sunday, October 08, 2023

Architectural Forays with Sue

As I reported yesterday, Sue's photo challenge last week revolved around architecture. We are not currently in a state that we want to wandering far afield or for long, but we have undertaken some short excursions to fulfill her prompts.

This ↓ was mine of her shooting the interior of town hall.

She was looking for smaller details that day.

On another day her prompt was to photograph architectural familiar to the area, so we motored 20 minutes up to the unique five-span in Pakenham. Due to the light, shooting was tough, but she climbed up onto a ledge to nab this shot. We inset the marker (bottom right) later in post.

Meanwhile, all I managed to get was this little photo of colourful trees beyond one of the arches. if you look back at the above photo, I was on the opposite side of the river, shooting through the first or second arch (I forget which).

Her next daily prompt was to find architecture with the harvest theme. I happened to see a photo on FB of the Clayton General store, and it had pumpkins outside. So off we went. I didn't take any photos that day, but Sue did.

The Clayton General Store was first opened in 1839, which makes it the second oldest in Ontario (I think) and probably all of Canada.

That was a week with quite a lot of wandering to complete her assignments. Despite, all of both her and my health events, she hasn't yet missed a day this year.


  1. Good for you guys to get out & do Sue's tasks despite everything.

  2. Those photo prompts sound a great idea and Sue does them very well.


  3. It's so good to see something of other people's life,country, hobbies etc when you know you cannot go there yourself.I only visited Canada once ,years ago, when we went to relatives in London, Ontario but now I feel I am getting to "visit" it again through your stories and pictures.
    Thanks to you both for the energy you put in. I lived in Scotland when I visited your country, I now live in Wales and both places would give me many opportunities for interesting pictures and stories but do I bother? No, too lazy so thanks again for your work and for giving me and others such enjoyment.

  4. Nice work by both of you!

  5. So nice to hear from you Megan. We lived in London for a year and near there in Sarnia for more than 30.

  6. Great photos and I'm so glad that you're getting out a bit, even if it isn't far from home.

  7. I like that Clayton store!

  8. The Pakenham Bridge is a special place. I've not been there in years.

  9. Impressive, and, Sue, I am impressed. I tried one of those daily with prompt shoots once. I am not sure I made it past 200.
    Also loving the architectural detail. And that you two are getting out and about and snapping stuff.
    We still have some hangers on with gold leaves, but a lot is down and JG is out with his massive sweeper.
