Dani had taken the ring from Grandma's finger and posed for this ↑ picture.
It was then that I told her that it really was or at least had been my ring: my engagement ring.
So why was Sue wearing it?
Well, you see, I don't like wearing rings or even watches, so Sue sometimes wears this one. Every now and then, I remember to put on my wedding ring and wear my nice heritage watch (from Uncle Charlie) when I go out. I always want to remember to don my jewellery for special occasions, or even not so special, but seldom do remember.
Sue doesn't mind too much although I'm sure that she would prefer me to wear it. She knows, however, that I am
Speaking of Danica, here ↓ is another picture of her: this one of her fine dining habits. Cute though. Below the photo are two blog posts from Sue of conversations with Danica. I think you might get a kick out of them. She's quite the child.
Conversations with a 6 year old
An interesting phone call from a 6 year old