Waltz: Most of you know this by now, but a week ago, Barry had posted the score for a waltz written and composed by the great grandfather's brother on the occasion of one of his daughters' weddings. However, Barry had never heard it played. It stuck in the back of my mind that I could help a little, so on Friday while Zach was sleeping, I began to transpose it into computer music using ABC notation. I finished late Friday evening and mailed it off to Barry. First thing Saturday, he had posted the waltz along with a slideshow and acknowledgment on his blog. It was fun for me to turn my hand to a challenge that might benefit someone else, and Barry seemed pleased and grateful. Therefore I, in turn, was pleased. It was a great start to the day.

From that point and for most of the morning, we looked for plants at three different locations. Cuppa specifically wanted a Joe Pye (see above), a tall striking plant that we had in Sarnia. We were able to find one, actually two: a normal size tall one and a dwarf which we were told would make a lovely companion planting. After much dithering, we decided where to plant it and moved rocks and added soil to expand the garden. It's out back, which needs a lot of work still, but we'll be concentrating on the more desperate front for this year.
So "What about that Therapeutic Riding Program?", I hear you clamor. Patience my dearies.
Last year, as I was whizzing by several times, I noticed a farm selling perennials, and this Saturday I finally had the opportunity to check it out. As it turned out, it was mostly a little Mom and Pop hobby enterprise. Whatever money they raise selling is donated to the local Therapeutic Riding Program, where kids with challenges of various kinds are encouraged to ride horses, apparently a beneficial form of therapy.
Their son, who is now older, benefitted from the program. He is legally blind with very narrow tunnel vision. From his proud Mama, we heard all about his winning exploits at various meets. So, of course, we bought a couple of plants from her no-Latin-names, no-cultivar-identification garden. She identified plants by calling them Lily, Red etc. The Persian Cornflowers, are new to me but appealed, so they are now situated in my garden. And for such a cause, I told her to keep the change from the tenner as a donation.

It was a good weekend.