Monday, October 02, 2023

Both of Us

What a year!

I speak of our health issues.

I have recounted mine from time to time, so I haven't much further to add. I will remind you, however, that my various interventions led to a prostatitis infection, that took months and several antibiotic treatments to cure. And cured or not, I do have some puzzling and lingering symptoms.

Then, Sue had her sudden, emergency appendectomy. That was a day that she woke up with a bit of a stitch in her side and was on the operating table by midnight.

Since then, her body has been misbehaving and she has found herself in the bathroom, multiple times a day.

When the problem wasn't clearing after getting on seven weeks post surgery, she paid a visit to our family doctor. Subsequent lab tests revealed that Sue had contracted C. diff, and she is now on a ten-day course of very strong antibiotics. She has also been advised to consume probiotic supplements for at least three months and perhaps as many a six months afterward

C. diff (also known as Clostridioides difficile or C. difficile) is a germ (bacterium) that causes diarrhea and colitis (an inflammation of the colon). It's estimated to cause almost half a million infections in the United States each year.

So there you have it. We've both had surgeries, and we have both suffered post-op infections.

What are the chances? Eh?


  1. Not a fortuitous thing to happen. My granddaughter caught pneumonia earlier in the year, and still is having difficulties with breathing. She's much too young (and very physically fit) to have this knock her back! I take probiotics daily too. Good stuff (brand Align is my choice). Others I know use the yogurt version.

  2. Oh my, Ac. You two have had a rough go. I hope it is all behind you both soon.

  3. I am so sorry. You folks take care.

  4. Sorry you're both under the weather. I hope things improve soon.

  5. Unfortunately the chances are good for post-op infections, it seems. Wishing for better health for both of you in the future.

  6. I sure hope the antibiotics take care of that infection. I've heard it's hard to shake. Sorry to hear this news, but hoping for the best.

  7. Unfortunately I see it all that all the time. As we age, our bodies just lose the ability to stave off stuff like that in short order. I'm not even close to your age and yet I already find myself thinking about how this or that ailment would have not even affected me much in my youth but takes a lot longer than I desire to work through now.

  8. Hope the next months will see an upturn for both you and Sue.

  9. So now you're even with each other and both of you can be on the mend. Take all the prevent measures to war off other bad germs. Have you had the flu shot? Latest Covid booster?

  10. How sad that both of you have had to endure so much pain and suffering! I hope there will be a reprieve in time for the holidays. Best wishes from Hawaii.

  11. Sometimes life really sucks. I hope that you both get over these infections soon and are back to feeling spry!

  12. C diff is yucky in many ways! Hope you can clear up these aftereffects and get back to living a normal life.

  13. You two have had a tough year. It seems like everyone i know who has had surgery came home with an infection. Hang in there, AC!

  14. High. Our health care system is overwhelmed.

  15. It is definitely not a good year for you two. C diff can be lethal if untreated up to 30% mortality.

  16. Avoid hospitals at all costs, haaaha! I've often said, that's where people go to get sick and die. Not to make light of these trials y'all have experienced. You and Sue have my sympathies and my prayers. To better days ahead! xoxo

  17. Sue has my sympathies dealing with C. diff. It will be a long road reestablishing a good bacterial equilibrium in her gut. I hope the family doctor prescribed the antibiotic that targets C. diff in Sue's gut. Probiotics, yogurt, and prebiotics will all help. And yes, it may tale 6-8 months for Sue's gut to completely heal & return to normal.
    Be kind to yourselves.

  18. Unfortunately we hear more often about post op infections. They are not following protocol very well.

  19. Quite seriously, C-diff was one of the underlying conditions that led to Tim's stroke. He got very dehydrated. His blood pressure dropped, his kidneys began to shut down. That's nothing to mess with, that's for sure. I'll be thinking of Sue. It really took Tim a while to come back from that c-diff situation.

  20. Petition to have a clinic and community hospital built on your street! Remember to take any PRO biotics opposite the clock from when ANTI biotics are taken. I prefer a daily generic Align capsule over trying to eat enough yogurt to get the gut benefit. Get your flu, RSV and covid shots, drink water! Next year will be better, especially since you're don't have to stomach US politics and voting. Linda in Kansas

  21. Oh, Sue! No! AC, I really feel for her. I worry about this one (It is considered one of the "serious side effects" of the meds I'm currently on -- and almost done with.) I've a friend who has dealt with this and it was rugged. Sending all good wishes your way.
