Saturday, October 21, 2023

Caturday 54: Twin White Socks

I cover my feet in all seasons. So does Lacey. Here's how we and our feet were situated when Sue came into our sanctuary to brew her coffee one recent morn. Yes, the coffee maker is in my den, just from about where Sue is taking the picture.

As soon as I get up in the morning, Lacey begins to keep me in sight, hoping that I will soon take her down for breakfast. It doesn't matter whether I arise at 4 or 7, for she thus begins her vigil.

As you can see, that's really not the best place for her to hang out. While she is not exactly under the chair itself, she could receive quite the knock were I to suddenly lower the footrest, for it does often descend with a wallop.

The next photo shows the scene better.

The three of us, with Sue included,  are crammed into are small space
without much shooting room between the little fridge and big 

That is where I have been sleeping for the most part recently. I know it is hard to fathom that it could be better for me than a king bed, but, somehow, it has been easier on my silly shoulder. However, I'm not a tiny boy, so I do get a little cramped as the night wears on. There is many a time when I want to trundle over to the more capacious bed, but I resist in favour of my shoulder.

You can see that I am using my tablet (iPad) above. My shoulder/arm is so compromised right now that extending my hand to play sudoku on the screen causes me problems. It is ridiculous, I know. This kind of nonsense wasn't in my playbook for my seventies.

Anyway, Sue thought the matching socks were cute, even if the old man in the chair is anything but cute.


Marcia said...

I didn't get to read yesterday but did this morning and see you did get to the doctor. Sounds like you'll have answers as soon as you get the x ray.

We are having lots of rain here. More leaves coming off the trees.

Debby said...

I do love wool socks. I have a pair on this very minute. I wear them in the fall and winter. Houdi the cat wears his all year around.

Barbara Rogers said...

Love your and Lacey's socks...a matching set of something or another. You look as comfy as a guy can get with a bum shoulder. Do heat packs SalonPas? I've found joint pain was relieved by that stuff, though it smells!
Take care!

Margaret said...

I wear socks around too although I would need to have black ones to match my Mari. So sorry about the shoulder agonies. We don't realize how much we use certain body parts until they hurt. :(

Marie Smith said...

When I hurt my shoulder, physio and CBD cream helped me. There is always something hurting as we get older!

Catalyst said...

I was just speaking with my ex-wife on the phone and, as people our ages do, comparing medical notes.

roentare said...

Wearing socks improve insomnia in sleep medicine

Joanne Noragon said...

Kitty "dogs" me, too, when treats are due. Otherwise, she just keeps an eye on me.

William Kendall said...

Lacey feels that you need su-purr-vision.

Jeanie said...

Time to stick a box or a barrier under that chair so she doesn't get there when you aren't aware... that would be a bad moment for you both!

Jenn Jilks said...

Cute socks!
That is a scary place for Lacey to sleep!

Jenny the Pirate said...

The matching socks ARE cute. Sue has a good eye. My Rizzo racks out right under my recliner's footrest if he misses the boat and I don't pick him up to sit beside me if, by chance, he is not RIGHT THERE when I sit down. (He can no longer jump up without assistance.) But so attuned is he to my slightest movement that he hears when I close my laptop and, knowing it signifies a change in activity, gets to his feet and waits so see what will happen. Lacey knows the drill too, I bet. Hope your shoulder is soon much better. xoxo

Kay said...

Sigh... I do find that more things start to hurt as I get older. It's no fun. I hope you're back to tip top shape quickly.

MARY G said...

It looks as if that idiot of a cat may join you on the injured list shortly, if she doesn't get out from under your footrest in time.