Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

The neighbour across the street erected a rather impressive 20' (I think) skeleton. The skull and rib cage light up, and I decided that it was very photo-worthy.

The lights flicker, so I took a number of photos to make sure of capturing them in their 'on' state. Then I took a brighter exposure so we could see a bit of the skeleton in addition to the lights. I blended the two photos together in Photoshop, and I think we have an effective result.

As usual, we shall be grinches tonight as we turn out the lights on those darn trick-or-treaters. Our street gets flooded with hordes of kids on Halloween, who don't even live here. One year, after running out of treats although we had purchased hundreds, we gave up. It wasn't a great loss as Halloween had never been a huge deal for us.

It is the night, sometimes the first one of the season, that we make sure to put the car in the garage. It is not that we live in a community that is overrun by abominable delinquents, but it doesn't hurt to err on the side of caution on this night. This year, it is the third night of putting the car in the garage because we had our first snow on Sunday night.


Jenn Jilks said...

Well done! And you didn't have to go far to do it! I toyed with driving into town. Mebbe.
I had to do Hallowe'en for 45 years. I've given up! I did love it at school, though.

Marie Smith said...

That is an impressive skeleton!

Barbara Rogers said...

Great big old skeleton is spooky! Glad your car is safely tucked away, as you will be as well when the little ones come trick or treating. They will enjoy the bounty from your neighbors!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Impressive! I don't blame you for putting the car in the garage. Better safe than sorry!

Jeanie said...

this is the first year I think we will have lights off. We didn't get many kids last year and there are no kids or grands on our block. I didn't want the leftover candy laying around either -- too tempting. So we'll have our traditional Halloween chili, maybe watch an appropriate movie and just chill!

Ed said...

I freely admit I'm a Grinch. All I can think of is all these plastic Halloween decorations clogging up our landfills and all for what? So our kids can eat unhealthy sugary sweets? What are we thinking?

Tabor said...

It is all about balance. Sorry that your neighborhood get overrun and the holiday is no longer a fun time.

Margaret said...

It's hard to predict how many children will come. It will be chilly and it's Tuesday so possibly not very many? They tend to do community and church activities these days--much more comfortable. That skeleton is terrifying! John's neighbor's huge one blinks his eyes. Ack!

Cloudia said...

Glad you garage your car. Your picture is very effective! Aloha

Marcia said...

There will be trick or treating here in the Flat between 5 and 7 pm tonight. We are well stocked with candy some I purchased and some handed out by the school PTO since all the kids on the township come here. I still have two pumpkins to carve. Must get to it.

RedPat said...

That is spooky!
We don't get any kids here but we bought some chocolate bars which we have been eating!

PipeTobacco said...

In our area, our house is in a cul de sac (sp?) so we typically only get ~40 or so kids for candy distribution. I didn’t feel up to carving our pumpkin like I usually do, so I will likely scribble a face on it hurriedly with a marker before the Halloweeners arrive.

It used to be fun to help make and put together costumes for our kids when they were small. One especially fun costume my youngest son wanted one year was to be a Rubik’s Cube. We had a lot of fun making it together using a box that we squared out and then demarcated the squares with black duct tape and then plastered with construction paper to make the colors of the cubes.


PipeTobacco said...

Oh, I forgot to add…. The photograph you took of the skeleton and modified….. really striking and well done. Low light photography, when done well is quite impressive.


roentare said...

Happy Halloween!

Vicki Lane said...

Good job with the skeleton!

roughterrain crane said...

Happy Halloween.
Stay warm and healthy 😊

Catalyst said...

In spite of all my posts about Halloween, we do the same: turn out the lights and ignore the kiddies.

Joanne Noragon said...

That's a wonderful photo(s) of the great punkin.

MARY G said...

You did a really nice job on the illuminated skeleton. Very spooky. Not only do you have technique, you have the eye for a fine shot.
And I hear you about the hordes of kids. But, since we live out here, we have only hordes of blue jays pigging out on the corn in the feeder. I do not believe they are in costume.
Happy November.

Granny Sue said...

Very cool photo. Creepy!
I wish we had trick or treaters. We did not get even one this year. I miss it very much, but people are afraid to venture down our long dark driveway.

gigi-hawaii said...

That's a nice skeleton. We don't give out treats, either, and our house is dark.

William Kendall said...

Quite a skeleton.

Liz Hinds said...

WE're grinches too. Fortunately we rarely get any trick or treaters.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Good idea, garaging the flivver. Can't be too careful for there can be mischief about. Now this is a mystery to us but although we live in a large, peaceful, quiet, tree-lined, reasonably well-lit subdivision, we have ZERO trick-or-treaters. Many years ago we got one or two (maybe) but for ages now, nary a one. I opened the door at about eight o'clock just to see if there were a few costumes but it was as deserted as if it had been one o'clock in the morning. Now, my TG has a soft spot for kids and especially kids who might knock wanting candy, so as I have a well-maintained candy jar during this season for our own grands, he takes that to the table in the foyer and hopes the doorbell will ring. It does not. So he eats the candy, hahaha xoxo

Kay said...

Good gracious! That is a very impressive photo.
Art wanted to pass out candy on Halloween BUT we didn't even get a single kid. That was a surprise. I think the kids were all at a city sponsored party down the street.