Saturday, September 30, 2023

Caturday 54: The Fishy Thingie

Lacey is a rotund, old girl who doesn't play or show interest in toys. But on a whim, I purchased a catnip-infused fishy thingie. She did make a bit of a fuss over it – at least for a day or two. When not actively playing, she would often lie near it for those few days. I am guessing that the catnip soon lost its potency, for she lost her interest. It did make us both happy for awhile.


Jenn Jilks said...

I usually take the formerly loved toys and squish them and massage them. I think it refreshes them.
JB brings so many toys home for our cats!

Catalyst said...

Our cat has a cloth mouse with a longish tail. She had seemed to lose interest in it so Judy put in a can of catnip for a day or so. When it came out Sweetie-Pie had a new interest and, like Lacey, tried to eat it!

Debby said...

As Jenn and Catalyst said, catnip can be refresh. Have you ever tried just planting a bit of catnip in a pot? It grows easily and you can keep your cat stoned all the time.

Boud said...

My cats have been rescues, usually beyond kittenhood and never learned to play with toys. But they'd make anything else into a toy.

I had to be a bit careful with catnip, because one of them became a mean drunk under the influence, and would try to beat up the other who was too happy and dreamy to defend himself.

MARY G said...

My grandmother grew catnip - or that is what she called it. When the leaves matured, you had to get them off the plant asap or the cats would roll in them. Fascinated me.
I feel the same way about most alcoholic drinks as Lacey seems to about her drug.
Love this post pattern. You do write well, you know.

Vicki Lane said...

We had a cat who got so drunk on 'nip that he rolled off the porch, a drop of about ten feet. He was so relaxed that it didn't bother him.

Margaret said...

Mari goes nuts with any catnip toy and makes short work of it. They aren't made for her razor sharp teeth and claws. Soggy catnip all over the carpet isn't very pleasant.

RedPat said...

My cat loved catnip and would become totally stoned on it. Then sleep.

Joanne Noragon said...

Kitty has two, a banana and a pickle. When they became less potent, I put them in catnip for a day.

Jenny the Pirate said...

My Sweetness the tuxie isn't toy crazy either but once in a while she will take notice of her ball with a bell inside. Lacey is a cutie and I think the short-lived interest was very real while it lasted, haaha xoxo

NGS said...

Zelda the Cat is not affected at all by catnip, but she loves a new toy. And then it becomes boring. Short attention spans, these felines.

Jeanie said...

Lizze (she's 11) is much the same with little playing or chasing anymore. Throw it right at her and you might get a result. She does have a toy she loves that her foster person gave me when I took Lizzie. She still will lick that one. Try sticking it in a bag with catnip or rubbing fresh catnip leaves on it. That might help.

William Kendall said...

What a sweet girl.