Oh dear! There is a confirmed COVID case in Shauna's retirement home. It is a worker who shares an apartment with a worker from the other infected home in Perth. She is/was extremely conscientious about washing and disinfecting, so they hope for the best.
Two of those who work closest to her, the worker, are being tested. The residents have been confined to their rooms. Shauna reported that the first meal delivery to three floors worked efficiently.
Understandably but unfortunately, this has caused several other employees to give notice, so daughter is working harder that ever. She put in 12 hours yesterday and will go in to work again today, Saturday.
As of yesterday, at least 80 seniors residences in the province reported COVID cases. The residents at Sha's place tend to be in decent health and not as old as in many homes, so she has high hopes for minimal impact.
My goodness, I just saw that up to 900 seniors residences across the country are infected.
Isolation Tidbits from a poll
- 76% of Canadians are isolating voluntarily
- 5% are in mandatory quarantine at home
- 14% are working
- 6% don't think it will work (and it won't if they don't)
A response to the 6% in the above poll

Speaking of Isolating, I had to give in just a little bit yesterday when I entered my third store in three weeks because it was necessary to get cat food. We called the order in; they had it ready by the counter with all but the entrance being barricaded to customers. I waved my card at the machine and was off quickly.
The other two previous store visits were similarly brief and as safe as possible.
We are now into week 4 of isolation with many more to go, I am sure.
If isolation is working in general across the province and country, we may begin to see indications by the end of next week.
Since we were out anyway, we took selfies at this sign by a friend's house. She is the wacky and wonderful town councillor and wild hat lady of whom I have posted before.
Town people posing here is becoming a town meme of sorts. Anything to keep the spirits up. But I do shock myself when I see the old man in the photos. I know I'm of an age, but I forget how obvious it is.
Another recent selfie of the bizarre kind. Perhaps do not share with impressionable children. 😈
I looked out the window and saw two neighbours conversing while maintaining the ultimate in social distancing (red circles).
Last evening I picked up our first order from WMart. It went smoothly and quickly, and we scored on 17 of the 22 items that we requested. That's not bad.
For things we missed, Shauna's former neighbour, who is also Sue's manicurist, has volunteered to pick up items for us because she is off work, and Shauna is extremely busy at work.
As promised, here are the answers if you tried to play the Figures of Speech game in yesterdays post. I would probably not have bothered playing it on my own, but it was kind of an event playing it online in a family chat group. If you haven't yet played the game and want to, please stop scrolling now, and click here to find the game (puzzle). (I am putting it down a little way to assist you with this aversion if that is what you choose to do.)
I was able to see a very few of those figures of speech. Thanks for the list; I would have gotten a failing grade if you had been giving them out. I felt a bit weird seeing you in lipstick. :-)
ReplyDeleteBeing healthy when catching the virus may help - according to some experts, but it does stand to reason. I do hope your daughter is able to work and stay safe. You and Sue are so cute on those selfies!
ReplyDeleteIt is shocking. Group care is wonderful, but there are dangers. It's so sad. I hope Shauna is OK!
ReplyDeleteThat is the worst selfie yet. And I got a big fail on the figures of speech. I think i got 9. Ouch. Grump.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is amazing. Absolutely.
Sending health wishes for your daughter! That figures of speech was really challenging and some I had never heard of before.......Bald as a coot? I got several and didn't get more, but it was fun to try!
ReplyDeleteI hope that your daughter stays healthy. This is a trying time for everyone, but it has been brought home to you in a very personal way.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the virus hitting your daughter' workplace. Hope she continues to stay healthy despite the extra working hours. We also are self-isolating as much as possible, although we did make a brief trip to the grocery store today and are now set for a couple of weeks, as has ben recommended. I've been enjoying the selfies and it was good to see you and Sue outdoors by the sign.
ReplyDeleteI hope Shauna is all right. Those with relatives working or living in care homes must be coping with a degree of anxiety now. Glad to see you are keeping your spirits up with funny memes, though! Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteYou are very creative with the selfies. Lol.
ReplyDeleteI hope your daughter and the folks at her residence stay healthy!!
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Bald as a coot or pull your socks up so I never could have gotten them all, anyways--LOL!
That was a weird selfie, indeed. ;)
Scary fo Shauna -- and yo al. My DIL the nurse visits nursing homes as part of her hospice care job and it has us all holding our breath. Stay safe, everyone!
ReplyDeleteThe seniors home here are safe thus far. I hope your daughter’s place isn’t badly affected.