Monday, October 19, 2020

Masks, Cheques and Changes

It was time to make a decision on snow removal for the upcoming season.

I may be out by a year, but I think this will be our seventh year of contracting the job. It will also be our fourth contractor, and even the fifth, since there was some sort of change of ownership in the first contractor.

It's too bad about the very first contractor, for they did the best job. (I do hate writing they for the singular, but that's what we are told to do now.)  But then, I think they got too big and spread themselves too thin and became less reliable before folding the business. Reliability has continued to be a problem with our contractors ever since, and we shall have to see how the new people do.

Our main thing, even more important than plowing the driveway is to clear the load that the town dumps at the end of the driveway as a result of plowing the road. And then they plow the sidewalk. That's heavy stuff, which we'd rather not shovel at this point of our lives.

Recommended by Shauna, Sue contacted a new contractor by phone, and they (husband and wife, I presume) showed up the next day to have us sign the contract and make the first payment. They came to the door wearing masks, which was quite a relief. I wore one too.

How the world has changed! Can you imagine how we would have reacted to masked strangers knocking on the door, back in February, before this all began? Even after COVID19 hit, it took a little while for masks to become commonplace.

There was another change too. I had my checkbook at the ready. While I do a lot of internet banking, I do it on the computer and not on the phone, so I had taken my checkbook downstairs.

I mentioned to the contractors (husband and wife, I presume) how it now feels somewhat odd to write a cheque.

It was then that the man said that he had never written a cheque and didn't know how.



Vicki Lane said...

So many changes. And speaking of change--who uses coins anymore? We have a box of coins that Josie plays with, so she's learned the different names--but will it even be useful?

Anvilcloud said...

We still do to some extent as our 1 and 2 dollar denominations are coins. We don’t even use cents here as the amount is rounded off. For example: $5.01 0r.02 becomes $5 while $5.03 and up becomes $5.05. But that is just for hard currency. Cents still are used in credit and debit payment.

Marie Smith said...

Check writing dates us these days, AC.

We’ve used the same contractor for snow removal for years. It is getting to be that time again!

DJan said...

I write a maximum of two checks a year to places that don't allow me to pay online. I hope your new contractor works out well. :-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Good luck with the new snow removal team. Checks are written by me just once a month usually...oh, and I have to go cash some that represent sales of pots. Good to be reminded of that. I usually use cash with restaurants, and whatever change there is becomes part of the tip, so I don't add to the weight of coinage in my purse. I use quarters to do laundry at the laundromat still.

Jenn Jilks said...

You know, we had that conversation yesterday. JB asked if I wanted to hire people, since he cannot use his left arm, and all the plowing will be down to me.
I like doing it. And I said, no, not this year.
Of course, sidewalks aren't a problem, just the end of the driveway.

We get so much work done here, that checks are necessary. Mind you, some of our contractors want cash! I know why, but that is another conversation!

Christina said...

I love a checkbook (or as it is called here cheque book). This was new to me when I moved to Britain and 20 years on, I still love to write a cheque. I am considered a little weird.

Margaret said...

I still write many checks! I'm not used to "they" for a singular either; it's difficult for me to break grammar rules. The idea of snow removal contractors is foreign to me. Last time we had a substantial amount of snow (February 2019), I used my garden rake to get it away from my garage door. I've never owned or even seen a snow shovel. :)

gigi-hawaii said...

I know, only dinosaurs write checks, but I am a dinosaur. I don't pay on the internet at all. Don't trust it.

Kay said...

Never written a check? That’s amazing! I hope your new contractor will be good. It’s such a job to find new contractors to do work around the house.

Red said...

surprising what we can learn in a small transaction.

Joanne Noragon said...

When I write my grandchildren checks, I say it's to see if they have a banking app, or need to get one.

Rita said...

I think it is hard to find snow removal outfits that you can depend on. I hope your company is a good one this year.

I still write one or two checks a month but the rest is all online banking.Things keep changing. Yes, imagine how it would have freaked us out to have people come to the door with masks on last year--lol!

dellgirl said...

Snow???! What is THAT?!?! ... says she who lives in Texas and hardly ever sees snow. LOL Good luck with the new contractors, I hope it works out well.

I write a check once or twice a month. Interesting post, I enjoyed reading about your adventures.

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