Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Dances and Masks

Sha and the kids came over for the standard Monday dinner, our third since we've been able to expand our social circles.

They, especially Danica but JJ also, have a ton of short dance moves that I think they get from Tik Tok. Sue wanted to try one with them, and I got dragged into it too. This was in the kitchen before supper.

Supposedly. we will learn another short routine for next week. Perhaps, we'll be able to do it somewhere other than our narrow kitchen. Time will tell.

Technically, I arose early enough to go out with the camera (it's 4:40 now), but I don't seem to be too ambitious these mornings. I saw quite a bit of low cloud cover and decided that it wasn't worth it. But now, as I peer out the window, I do see some orange, not too grand but it is there. Why am I so lazy?

On my mind these days is the mask issue. I mentioned in several comments yesterday how ridiculous the situation is. What in tarnation is so off-putting about wearing a little piece of cloth for your own safety and the safety of others?

There is a question to ask when we want to take a stand: "Is this a hill that you are willing to die on?"

Obviously, we don't usually mean that it to be taken literally, but it is a way of asking how important something really is. How much time and effort do you want to invest in a cause?

With the mask issue, however, the question becomes literal. Is this really the hill that you are ready to die on? For it could actually come to that.

It's a bit of cloth, and yes, you can breathe. Doctors and nurses will wear them for hours as they work to save you from your silliness.

Blogger is being silly this morning, jumping around as I am typing, so I am going to hope for the best, post this, and quit.

It is now 5:03. The sunrise is good enough that I could have gotten a good shot. But here I sit.

OMG! It is quite wonderful now. Excuse me while I facepalm strongly.


  1. After a day of wanting to go out and exercise, I am today having to really dig deep. I mean really deep. So I get you on the photo early in the morning thing. You will get there at some point.

  2. It is hard to take someone seriously who says he's being lazy by getting up at 4:40am! Hope you got some good morning shots. :-)

  3. People wear seatbelts to keep them safe. What's the difference with a mask?
    Nice moves on that dance step.

  4. I hear you on the masks. I get up early, too. This morning I was up around 3:00 a.m.

  5. Great moves...yes, figure out a bigger place. Sorry about your missing today's sunrise. We didn't get one at all today, but are due for more raindrops any time now. At least the Sahara dust seems to have left for now.

  6. Yeah. Yesterday I was in line for grocery checkout when my nose started to run inside my mask. Social embarrassment squared. Options - remove mask and blow nose? No. Snuffle? No, covid19 symptom, not cool. Drip? NOOOO!!! Wipe nose with mask? Ew.
    Face turning colour of AC sunset photo, I did the last, followed by alcohol wipe from my purse for fingers. One is not supposed to touch the mask or face.
    Cripes. I hate masks. I am contemplating making the next one from terrycloth with a filter layer, the better to contain drips.
    Mutter, mutter.

  7. Love the dancing! Sue has a lot of natural talent! I don't understand the problem people have about masks. It's such foolishness to think the way they do. Don't they value life?

  8. Great moves and lots of fun! I see you hiding in the back. ;) I can't believe that so many are anti-mask when we're in the middle of a pandemic. It makes me angry, sad and terrified.

  9. photograhers always recommend you get there 30 min before sunrise and if it is sunset stay for 30 minutes after it sets. That has been true for many of my visits to the shore. You guys are cute with your dancing...cute and brave.

  10. Yes, yes, face masks is a hill I'm willing to die on.

    And hey grandpa, get a little more hip action going next time! LOL

  11. You can commune with the cat.

  12. That's really fun!
    We did a few crafts today.

  13. You guys are getting the moves! I look forward to the next edition.

  14. Fun video short as it was and nice to see you and your family able to get together again, AC. I hear you on the mask wearing and as much as I dislike wearing them everywhere indoors am compliant, but now seeing so many who are not doing so. Like you commented it is auite disturbing to see this trend.

  15. Great video! There is so much we can learn from our grandkids!

  16. Love the dance routine!
    I agree totally with the face mask thing. Hill to die on could be literal. People ranting about their freedom to choose...well, choose to die? To help others to die? It's so ridiculous...and dangerous.
    Probably things like this are why we have these unmotivated days in quarantine?

  17. OMG! You guys are great dancers! Lots of feeling and talent.
    As for masks.... I don’t understand those mask deniers at all. Just selfish and ignorant.
