Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Early Rising

Provincially, after a rise back into the 400s for new cases for a few days, we were down into the 200s yesterday. The premier announced that the much of province will move onto phase 2 later this week. This includes our area, but the golden horseshoe is excluded. That's the area that includes Toronto and goes all of the way around the western edge of Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls and the border with NYS. Although it is small in area, it would have to be more than 50% of Ontario's total population. That's where most of the cases have occurred.

At home. we are car-less again for the second consecutive day because Shauna's car troubles are back, even after a major expense last week. We had no plans or no need anyway.

Speaking of Shauna, at her seniors residence for the past few weeks, they have been holding one outdoor concert per week; it lasts about an hour. Last week, the concert involved one keyboard and some singing by one person. This is in the middle of the day. One neighbour wrote an irate letter threatening to blast heavy metal music back at them because the music bothered her. People, eh?

I am writing this before 5 in the morning. I've already been up for an hour and have consumed a coffee. I knew this would happen because I went to bed ~9:30 last night, and I can only sleep for ~6 hours. Rising early is not such a bad idea in summertime when it gets light early. If I want to go out with the camera for first light, I can. Not that I can go anywhere without the car today. (It is now 5:10, and it is getting quite light.)

Sue has Google Photos enabled on her phone, and they offered her this little composite yesterday. How neat. I could do something like this manually, but it would take me some time, and Google just does it off the cuff as it were — nothing to it.

And . . . selfies. You get two today because I missed yesterday. Aren't we the cutest?


DJan said...

I sleep for 8 to 9 hours every night, so going to bed at 8 means I wake naturally at 5, with a few times awake for bathroom visits. I love my sleep, and as I drink my tea in the morning, I'm back in bed with my laptop reading blog posts. It's 5:13 right now, and you're first. :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

You truly are a fine-looking family!
Isn't it great seeing the grandies.


gigi-hawaii said...

I had a good laugh when you said you could go out and take photos but you can't because Shauna has your car. Too bad! Lol. Anyway, I love the photos you posted today.

Tabor said...

I finally got my car fixed. Needed a new battery to the tune of $400. They also said my tires needed replacing and instead of shopping around I had them do that as well. This virus has me muddled.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah sleep! It's a strange part of our lives. Not to mention photos. That's a cute composite of old- "pre-Covid-19: - photos...I assume! Maybe pre-pandemic would be a better way to say it. Glad to hear the "old folks" got some entertainment. I used to do activities for "Assisted Living" and "Nursing homes" It was fun. I can't imagine how hard it is to keep elders (like I now am) entertained and safe from the virus. Yesterday I forgot completely to wash my hands when I got home from the pharmacy. By the time I remembered I'd touched a lot of things, which I then went wiping away at. Hope that worked.

Margaret said...

Cute selfies, especially that second one! Very royal. I love what google photos and my iPhone does with albums, collages, and even videos of trips. I don't like getting up when it's dark; it reminds me of work. I usually go to bed about 10, read for an hour or two and then get up about 8. I love not having to set an alarm!

PipeTobacco said...

Nice images!

I cannot imagine that the lone piano player/singer was particularly raucous and playing a medley of obscene lyrics and thrashing “Doom Metal” (it *is* a genre) songs.... haha. So, the sourpuss would IMO be best ignored.

Marie Smith said...

Love those selfies and you with the budding photographer.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Two selfies in one day was quite a deal, AC! yes, I too cannot go to bed too early because I will also wake up too early. That said for the past few days I have been getting up early and looking for a good sunrise, but only from my apartment window which is very limiting. Perhaps I will consider venturing out for a stroll in the future but that would entail getting dressed and actually walking somewhere which are decisions not made so early in the a.m.

Red said...

I wake up when it gets light in the summer however, I'm too lazy to get up.

Rita said...

I wouldn't even know how to locate heavy metal music--Lol!

I hope they can fix Shauna's car and it stays fixed this time.

Sweet collage from google and a two-selfie treat today. :)