Sunday, May 26, 2024

Heather's Last-Minute Visit

There had been no plans for a visit by Heather, but that changed at almost the last minute.

For those who need a refresher, Heather is Sue's youngest sister and a published author. She has written two novels featuring Ari Appleton: The Clay Girl and Cracked Pots (descriptions in the links).

One day, not long ago, Sue received a text from someone whom we know in town. This lady had been reading The Clay Girl for the book club at the library. It was only after she saw an acknowledgement to Sue in the notes that she connected the author, Heather, to Sue. Neither we nor Heather had been aware that this was occurring and that the club would soon be a meeting to discuss the book.

Quick arrangements were made, and here sits Heather, holding forth at the head of the table.

The next day, Heather and Sue met for coffee with the lady who had contacted Sue. She is an aspiring author who wanted to seek Heather’s advice on next steps  

Heather and Sue shared some sisterly time. They shopped for clothes and then went for a walk and met some doggies.

It was a treat for the sisters to have a little, almost surprise visit. Another agreeable thing for Sue was to have someone to walk with who could actually walk rather than creep along in a petty pace with a sore-footed husband.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
                            Shakespeare, Macbeth


Boud said...

How alike they are! That was a nice surprise time all around.

DJan said...

What a wonderful impromptu visit. I love that sort of event. And thank you for the pictures to bring the story to life.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great photo of the two sisters (with borrowed dogs!) How nice to have that visit just spring up for them.

Sandra said...

It's easy to see they are sisters! So nice to have her sister visit almost impromptly. I'm going to look up those books. Now I know what to call my gait, a petty pace.

MARY G said...

I note your scholarly recorded last syllables. It is wonderful to watch sisters interact; I have had that pleasure this week, too.
And, yes, they certainly show as siblings. And fashionistas. Gorgeous.

MARY G said...

I will do my best to get the books onto my book club's list. Perth is a fine place to visit, and has some fashionable shops.

Vicki Lane said...

Heather is such a fine writer. What a treat for the book club (and for Sue.)

Marie Smith said...

Wonderful sister time and great to have the author at book club!

RedPat said...

That is a wonderful post to read. Glad they had a grand time.

Red said...

Always great to have a visit from a sibling.

Jeanie said...

That is so wonderful -- a win win for Sue,Heather and the book club!

Debby said...

I am sure that she doesn't mind your petty pace half as much as YOU mind it.

Margaret said...

How wonderful for Heather to be in town! Our book club has dreamed (dreamt?) of having the author of some of our books discuss them with us. What a treat!

The Furry Gnome said...

Boy, wouldn't those book club members be thrilled, and I assume Sue was pleasantly surprised too.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is a lot of fun!

Granny Sue said...

Nice! I will have to look for Heather's books.

Liz Hinds said...

What a great coincidence. How lovely.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well how perfectly delightful! Serendipitous, even. xoxo