Tuesday, May 28, 2024

First Since 2022

We were both uncertain about how we would fare, but it was time to try.

Due to health issues, we didn’t ride the bikes at all last year. At this very time last May, I was spending my first of three weeks with a catheter. What fun! I had already had one prostate surgery in February and had been catheterized for a week back then, but in May 2023, I was waiting to do it all over again. 

But let's get back to bike ride.

We were willing but apprehensive. How would I fare steering the bike with my rotator cuff issues? How would our bodies cope in general after a two year layoff with us well into the second half of our seventies? Would we even remember how to ride our bikes?

Well, to deal with the last question first, what they say about never forgetting how to ride a bike is true. Once you learn, you never forget. I learned almost 70 years ago, but this old codger can still do it.

The plan was to take it easy. We had decided that we would stick to the local streets and stay off the more demanding trail for our first ride. But we didn't do that. Instead of passing by the park we stuck our noses in, and Sue took this photo.

Somehow or other, once we were in the park we just kept going. So much for taking in easy along the wide, paved streets.

Once we were out of the woodsy part of the trail for awhile and before gong back into the next woodsy part, we took a selfie by a bench with the river in the background.

Sue implored a passerby to take another photo  

We continued along to the trail bridge that passes over the river and took a photo before turning back.

Upon our return, when we were back at the park, we sat at the bench overlooking the river foe a few restful minutes before pedalling the last few blocks to home. 

One might ascertain that we were feeling quite pleased with our old selves.

It's peaceful there, so I took a short video clip, but it didn't capture the sound much.

The roundtrip was only about 6 km which we took quite slowly, but it felt good to be able to do it. I am not sure if my shoulder was impacted more than usual. Time will tell and, whatever the case, I managed.

Of course, Sue made a composite. 


Debby said...

Sue's composite made me laugh! It certainly caught your 'round trip'. Well done, both of you. For 'old codgers', the two of you do alright.

Boud said...

It turned out fine, then. Good for you for testing it out.

Barbara Rogers said...

Excellent going, you two! And I'm glad you stopped to take photos. One of my sons likes off-road biking...through mountainous trails. Not for me! My last biking experience was in the 80s in college, dodging other students' bikes.

DJan said...

I'm glad it all worked out so well. You both look great on your bikes. :-)

Marcia said...

Good for you. You have a nice quiet place to ride. I guess there are more rides in your future.

Sandra said...

Kudos to you both! This is something to feel proud of. I also have not been on a bike since the '80s. I would need a motorized trike.

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, well done, you two!

RedPat said...

I sold my bike several years ago. There is too much crazy traffic in the city and I found it scary.

DB Stewart said...

Dude. I hope you don't mind me saying that you sir are a spirit animal to so many of us readers.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done, you two.
I sold our bikes. We just can't do it.

Marie Smith said...

Great composite and well done! After two falls, I am reluctant to ride again.

roentare said...

It is good to get physical

Red said...

Good on you guys to ride. Get yourself one of those fancy ebikes. I quit riding at 80. It was time as things could be risky and if anything happened it could be serious.

Jeanie said...

You two are totally the best! Well done!

Joanne Noragon said...

Good on you.

Margaret said...

I love that close up of Sue and you-so delightful! John and I need to get out the bikes too; it's hard for him with his rotator cuff issues. E-bikes are heavy! It must be nice weather since you're in shorts and a tee-shirt. What a lovely outing!

Liz Hinds said...

Well done! You and Sue are a perfect couple.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I'm in awe! It has been fifty-five years since I rode a bike. I used to LIVE on my bike ... now I'm pretty sure I would not be able to stay upright and have no intention of trying. TG rides several times a week, even since almost three years ago when he took such a bad tumble and ended up in the ER! Good times, hahaha ... you two kids be careful. xoxo