Saturday, May 11, 2024

Caturday 61: Limping Down for Breakfast

Cat informed me that it was time to trundle down the stairs for breakfast. Indeed, I usually relent and take her down before I would otherwise seek my own morning nourishment.

Sue grabbed her phone and snapped some photos: me in my ratter-tatter old shirt*, and Lacey in her white socks. The lighting was horrific, so I converted to b&w.

Maybe Sue will try a video someday; it might capture the dual limping better than static photos do.

* Once tees, whether long or short sleeve, are too ratty to wear outdoors, I may continue to wear them as pyjamas for quite some time.


Barbara Rogers said...

Aye, you must have a bit of Scottish in yer blood, me thinks. Frugal is not to throw away tired tee-shirts but to convert them to PJ's. Such as I do as well. Who knew this old lady would still be wearing tee shirts in her 80s. We just don't wear them out that fast these days...though the washing machine does its best to kill them. You in your descent with Lacey look so cute in B&W! I like the series and don't think seeing the video would improve at all.

Marcia said...

I'm surprise that Sue was awake to take these shots. Isn't she a late sleeper?
Are you getting any help for your sore foot?
Dan's old t shirts become painting shirts though he doesn't do that much any more.

Marie Smith said...

Priceless photos, AC. Your companion cat doesn’t stray too far.

DJan said...

My jammies are sorta ratty, too. But they are so comfy! Love the pictures.

Boud said...

Team AC in action. Pretty much!

Anvilcloud said...

@Marcia. The foot is what it is at this point.

Anvilcloud said...

@Barbara. You'll see more frugality tomorrow.

Sandra said...

The last photo gave me vertigo! I know it's camera perspective but it looks so steep. My ratty clothes became barn and painting clothes.

Jeanie said...

I love this series beyond words. There is so much truth to it and a lot of love and devotion, you headed below with Lacey close at hand. I like that she keeps a respectful distance behind, much like the Camilla a step or two behind Charles. He who holds the key to the food cupboard is definitely king.

Dianne said...

I love Caturdays!

gigi-hawaii said...

Well, it's better than walking nude. David sleeps nude.

RedPat said...

Lacey accomplished her mission and got to eat.

Margaret said...

I am stiff and careful on my feet when I first get up. And Mari likes to get under my feet on the stairs. I have to watch out!

roentare said...

She is documenting your life as evidence

Red said...

Good thing that you have railings on both sides of your stairs.

Joanne Noragon said...

You have Kitty to run for help, if needed.

MARY G said...

Sue is brilliant - she really caught it. I love the one white tentative paw.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hope your Breakfast was taste.

Dianne said...

The way her tail hooks up with the table leg makes her tail look very long!

Liz Hinds said...

Not that our lives are ruled by our animals!