Monday, May 20, 2024

1 hour and 1 day late

With the forget-me-nots in full bloom, I liked the view from both the back and front upstairs windows.

Then, I decided to go out to take some pictures of blossoms that I had previously seen around town. This is when I discovered that I was an hour late and also a day late. I was an hour late because the sun had come out, and I had hoped to get flower and blossom photos in more subtle light. However, here are photos of the front garden that I took before I got in the car for more my intended drive-around. They are okay, I guess, but I think they would have been better an hour earlier.

But I was also a day late — for at least some of the blossoms that I had wanted to capture. Our next-door neighbour had a beautiful tree with pink blossoms just the day before, but on Saturday, they were spent. However, another neighbour's lilac bush was doing pretty well.

This ↓ was a slightly farther neighbour. Please ignore the messy setting; I show it for the blossoms only.

My disappointment escalated when I got to the beautiful garden at a house farther away. Their two flowering trees were also done. They had been gorgeous, and I was disappointed. I did photograph this entrance to her garden, however. Whomever the gardener is, they did well.

I drove about looking for more blossoms, but gave up in disappointment and turned toward home. Then, I passed by the curling club and had to stop. Once again, please ignore the background.

As for the neighbour's front lawn, I did give in and decided to mow it. Because the grass was so long, I set the lawnmower blades very high, so it still looked long and messy after my initial mowing. However, the owner did send someone around the next day to mow again. The best news is that they are going to sell. At least I hope that it turns out to be good news, but I know the old saying: be careful what you wish for. Fingers crossed, eh.


Marie Smith said...

It looks so beautiful there! The blooms are gorgeous!

Patio Postcards said...

Lovely photos of your gardens. Your back garden is an oasis in the crazy world.

Granny Sue said...

Your gardens are so pretty and restful. It is nice to go back into earlier spring. It is so hot here already, it seems like midsummer. Lovely blooms all around you!

Boud said...

The blossoms are lovely and the best are the forgetnenots flooding all over.

Barbara Rogers said...

So glad you caught your pretty tulips in their prime. And your forget me nots are so sweet. Love seeing your spring garden, and your neighborhood too! Such a difference from your grey winter days!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Story of my life right there! Despite being an hour and a day late, you got some beautiful pictures!

gigi-hawaii said...

Yes, I hope you do get better neighbors, who take pride in their yard, as you do. Excellent photography!

Sandra said...

You have a gorgeous garden! Garden envy here.

RedPat said...

There seem to be blooms everywhere at this time of year. Lovely shots.

Kay said...

Everything looks so beautiful! Now that we’re in Illinois, we’re seeing so many different flowers and trees than we do in Hawaii. Spring is such a gorgeous time of year as your photos prove. I’m also seeing lilacs everywhere.

Vicki Lane said...

So many pretty gardens! Your yellow chairs look most inviting.

Margaret said...

I think it all looks very pretty! You are a perfectionist, John!

Cloudia said...

Oh thank you AC! So pleasant strolling about your area with you. Much appreciated. Aloha

Jeanie said...

Your "disappointing" photos are so much better than our carefully composed ones! But I know exactly what you mean about a disappointing day.

roentare said...

Such a beautiful garden in deed.

Joanne Noragon said...

Pictures of flowers are good pictures. Best of luck with your new neighbor to be.

PipeTobacco said...

I think your backyard looks like a beautiful, tranquil sanctuary. Very nice.

DB Stewart said...

Beautiful, but dude...currently, I have ONE blooming flower, a tulip, in my front yard. Northwestern Canada is much different than Ontario. Jealous.

MARY G said...

Everything was in full flower here. Until the rain this afternoon. It beat a lot of the blossoms down. However, I still have the Japanese lilac to come, with,I hope, attendant butterflies.

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, our new neighbour (of the gun range) is a tragic example of beware.
Your garden is lovely!