Saturday, May 25, 2024

Caturday 62: Visiting Sabine

While Sha and the kids were off living the high life in Mexico, we made it a point to visit Sabine. They had arranged for Danica's friend to stay there overnight, but Sabine is sociable cat, so we dropped in daily.

When it was just me who was visiting her, I got lots of attention and managed the occasional selfie. Sabine doesn't stay still for long, so I would set the phone's timer and try to be in a position for a photo when it went off.

When Sue was there, Sabby didn't bother with me. The puss has good taste.

One day when I was there on my lonesome, Sabby showed interest in my iPad. I recalled having a cat game on there. While our Lacey has little interest in juvenile games, Sabine, being a typical kid,  sure does.

I bet that you would like to see her in action, and as it happens . . . 


Barbara Rogers said...

How cute to see cat 'n mouse game...but for me it was especially fun to hear your voice! Of course it was also great to see Sue without sunglasses too! You all are such great grandparents of your grand-cat.

Boud said...

Perfect holiday weekend fare, kitty videos! So nice of you to visit her.

Vicki Lane said...

What good grandparents you all are!> The cat game is intriguing--I'll have to see if my kittehs woud be interested.

Marcia said...

What will they think of next? Cat games on the iPad, too much!

Patio Postcards said...

Sabine is a very pretty kitty, such a sweet face.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Caturday, that is hilarious! Lots of entertainment from the little furbaby!

Linda said...

Great photos telling a story but I love the first one~~the selfie of you and the cat. Great capture.

Sandra said...

You taught me something new. I did not know I can set a timer on the phone for photos. I've got to try it! Sabine is so cute and , yes, she does have good taste. Not that you aren't good choice, but Sue, you know.😉

PipeTobacco said...

Sabine…. so cute!!!!! As I have said before, I love the name and she is just always so cute when we get to see her!

MARY G said...

I had never heard of these games and am now off to find one for the YD's agile young feline. Thank you!!
And she is a pretty kitty.

Dianne said...

Love Caturday!

Margaret said...

Sabine is a beauty! Mari is no longer playful either. John tries some of those cat games with her and she just stares.

RedPat said...

I can't imagine the cat I used to have being interested in games. He wouldn't want to pay attention. That is wonderful that Sabine likes it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This goes to show that tech devices do not only entrance humans, but felines as well. It is nice that you and Sue paid daily visits to Sabine in the absence of her family who were off having fun of their own.

roentare said...

Sabine is also looking adorable

Marie Smith said...

Sabine playing with the iPad is fascinating!

Joanne Noragon said...

Smart kitty.

Debby said...

I don't know that I've ever heard your voice before, AC. You have a very pleasant voice.

Blondi Blathers said...

Your voice is not at all what I imagine when I read your words! Loved hearing the real thing. Also enjoyed seeing Sue's "inside clothes" ... she's always dressed for the great outdoors in your photos.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh how darling. Sabine is gorgeous! My Sweetness would love that game. I'll have to sneak TG's iPad and see if I can find that for her, hahaha xoxo