Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Forget-Me-Nots 2024

Dad's forget-me-nots are out in full splendour, but I didn't quite know what to do with them this year — photographically, I mean.

I usually, get right down to their level and take a few close-ups. But, did I need one more photo like that? So I hummed and hawed until I noticed several dandelions emerging from out of the blue as it were. I decided to try to do something with the dandelion on the right because I thought that if I could get a sea of blue behind it, the complementary colours might result in a good photo.

My 70-200 lens got me this photo.

Then, I used my macro lens to get these images.

I think photo #3 is the best, and they are all a little different for my annual myosotis photo exploration. Of course, one could argue that these are more about the dandelion than the forget-me-nots, and one wouldn't be altogether wrong.

But that's okay too.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The dandelion is an often much maligned wildflower and so deservedly has a place of distinction in these images. My own preference is for photo #2.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I was thinking the same thing as Beatrice. It is not very often the dandelion gets to be the star of the show!

Marie Smith said...

When I see forget-me-nots now I always think of you and your reference to your father. He lives on!

Boud said...

Whenever I see yellow and blue I now think Slava Ukraini! Sweden's lost the toss for me.

Sandra said...

I also like #2 best. I always put purple and yellow petunias together, I like the combination.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good color combo and nicely captured. But I like the first one because there are actually forget-me-nots in focus as well as the dandy.

gigi-hawaii said...

Dandelions are so pretty. Love the yellow.

Marcia said...

So these forget me nots came from your father? How nice.

Vicki Lane said...

Great shots! A perfect pairing of blooms.

Pam said...

How beautiful and such a nice inviting spot to sit

NGS said...

Oh, I love that first shot. Some of the forget-me-nots are in focus, but your eye is drawn to the yellow. Perfect!

Margaret said...

I love all the dandelion shots!

RedPat said...

I like shot #2 also. I think because the forget-me-nots show up.

Jeanie said...

I know what you mean about one more photo that looks like the others of the past. I agree with those who chose #2 because that blue is lovely behind the dandelion.

The Furry Gnome said...

Interesting perspectives.

roentare said...

I agree that #3 is the best. The bokeh and the composition

Granny Sue said...

Nice capture. I like them all, actually.

Joanne Noragon said...

More great pictures. I like the first and second pictures best.

Linda said...

Your pics are great but my faves are the close-up ones. I love dandelions.

Patio Postcards said...

One thinks you have found a good use for dandelions (lol). I like the first photo of the single yellow in a field of blue.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good work. I love looking out back and seeing the dandelions!

MARY G said...

Two. The dandelion has a lot of character there. I love your blue yard.

Debby said...

I always wonder what makes one flower more prized than another. The dandelion is a cheerful little flower that comes up early and stays for the summer, blooming determinedly. Bees love them, and I will not argue with the bees.