Friday, May 31, 2024

Geese and Green

On Wednesday, this guy managed to have a back spasm while helping Sue to do a little garden work. Two days later, I am not doing badly compared to some episodes that have plagued me in the past. I'm getting around well enough once I am up, but getting up and down with some ease will take a few more days.

Consequently, we were taking it easy yesterday and decided to take a lunch to the park. The normal lunch these days is to share a toasted turkey bacon club sandwich from Tim Hortons along with large coffees and apple fritters. It was breezy enough that we ate in the car, pretty well adjacent to this ↓ bench, which we claimed after our little lunch.

The park was wearing lush, spring green, and the geese families were there in abundance. There were at least five broods in the next photo although I don't expect that you can see them all at this distance and resolution. And some families had already hit the water when they spotted a dog. 

We only spent about twenty minutes finishing our coffee because the wind was up a fair bit. Of course, we took our usual selfie in which I look like a sap.

As we were sitting there, a surprising thing happened. You probably know how the geese usually move off when people or dogs approach, but this family walked right in front of us without a care in the world.

Of course, Sue did her usual composite.

If think this was our first bench sitting of the season. Hopefully, we will repeat the visit on a few more occasions as the season transpires. Maybe we'll bring our comfy chairs and perhaps a book and/or music.


Patio Postcards said...

Yes cheers to many more bench sits this season. Such a pretty spot to enjoy the changing scenes.

Marie Smith said...

Great composite again, Sue. It is a beautiful spot to enjoy nature. I hope it is the start of many more this season, AC.

Boud said...

I have a local spot just like that. I must revisit it. It's lovely to sit by water.

Jenn Jilks said...

I hope you recover soon.
I sat on the back deck yesterday, and when the sun moved, I was frozen.
Not good that the geese aren't afraid of humans, but lord knows there are enough of them!!!

Marcia said...

Those goslings are teenagers already! Sorry to read about your back. Take care.

gigi-hawaii said...

Such nice pictures! I love the hats you and Sue wore.

PipeTobacco said...

Back issues are rough. Knock on wood, I have avoided them the last few years…. I think it was before Covid the last time I had an issue that way (but I have had my issues tripping while running, which have been bad enough 🙂).


Barbara Rogers said...

Well hello to the geese family! They must have expected food from you, based on some past experience maybe. But it is never a good thing when wild ones have no fear of people! Loved your selfie...and do hope the back issue is better soon.

Jeanie said...

I'm glad your back is improving and you've been taking it easy. The geese parade is fabulous! I hope every day is better.

Sandra said...

I can sympathize with your back pain. It's good you are recovering rather quickly. This is a beautiful park, you should indeed do more bench sitting.

Margaret said...

What a beautiful green! I'm scared of geese but those look harmless enough. Sorry about the back issues; they make any kind of movement painful.

RedPat said...

It looks like a fine day to sit on a bench. I haven't seen any goslings yet this year.

Red said...

Had a similar back twinge a couple of weeks ago and it keeps coming back. I'll get there someday.

The Furry Gnome said...

Hope you get out for many more bench days this summer!

DB Stewart said...

If you need a book recommendation, consider James by Percival Everett. It's Huck Finn from Jim's POV.

roentare said...

It is so good to see the lake so green!

Joanne Noragon said...

A lovely afternoon. Hope the back is better sooner than later.

Jenny the Pirate said...

You don't look like a sap and Sue is iconic as per usual. What a lovely day to sit on a bench and drink coffee! I was up close and personal with a goose in Pittsburgh too. I honestly think I could have petted it if I wanted. xoxo

Vicki Lane said...

such a lovely park! And the goose family is wonderful!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Well, those back spasms do not sound good! I cannot believe how big your baby geese are already. They will be flying before you know it!

Liz Hinds said...

What a beautiful spot to sit and have lunch.

Granny Sue said...

Ouch! That back sounds painful. What a pretty place to recuperate though. I think your plan to spend more time in that place is brilliant.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Apple Fritters are the bomb. Here they sale for seventy five cent to a dollar and quarter. American Money.

MARY G said...

Lovely to get out to the park and I hope your back stays reasonable.
Love the composite, as well as the geese shots. I could only find three families. Was there more than one in the water at the verge?