Monday, July 31, 2023

Fireworks Do-Over

You may or may not recall that the Canada Day fireworks hadn't been the best this year. I thought they just weren't great for me from my bedroom window, but, apparently, they were somewhat lacking for everyone. On Saturday, the town staged a Do-Over.

I returned to the trail bridge location from some of my past years' shoots. I like that I can include town hall from this vantage point. I took this ↓ photo before I got to the exact spot from where I would shoot because I liked the light on the former mill (now apartments) complex (left).

Although this is a good spot for the fireworks and to include town hall in the process, the building etc always turns out very black. I was hoping to do some light blending this time, and set up my camera and tripod to do so. Alas! when the fireworks began my plans were immediately scuppered (yes, Blogger, it is a word) because the fireworks were going off more directly over town hall this year. Sigh.

It wouldn't do to have the displays so truncated ↑ on the left side so I had to shift the camera and forego my attempts at light blending. (If you don't understand this, don't worry, it's not important.)

Below, are the photos that stood out to me on my first pass through the evening's shoot. There may be better ones that I will post later, but these grabbed my attention first. Sadly, the new bridge lights are still not operational. I was hoping, but was disappointed.

I began with two images that picked up some reflection in the water.

There was no reflection in these next photos, so I cropped the river out because it was pretty well dead space.

For the final two photos (for today), I did a lot more cropping, focusing more closely around the clock tower. A lot of the displays were very close to the tower with the rest of the sky being blank.

I had not been terribly enthusiastic when I set out because I have photographed from this spot before. However, I ended up getting some decent images, so I am happy that I made the effort. With all that has been going on in my life this summer, I have hardly done any photography at all, so it was good to force myself to just get out there and click like a crazed madman.

I r4eally did click madly: 146 times in all. As a result, I am sorry to inform you that I will be inflicting one or two more fireworks posts in the days that lie ahead.


Marie Smith said...

My favourites are the first and last photos. Great shots, AC. Bring them on…

Boud said...

Fireworks are really best over water. When you talk photo talk, I do what people do when I talk fiber art talk -- glide quietly by!

Tabor said...

You got some terrific photos, but when you pick them apart as you do in your post, I can see all the issues. I have been able to change the exposure in Photoshop but then I also have to reduce noise. Capturing the explosion as sharply as you do, is something I have not yet managed. That is a an excellent spot for it though!

Patio Postcards said...

Fabulous photos. I do like the first one as it sets a tone & mood of nighttime scary tale .. a dark & stormy night.

Barbara Rogers said...

I was going to say I liked the ones with reflections on the water, then kept scrolling and the last couple are really great. Thanks for being out there working the shutter. I look forward to more!!

Vicki Lane said...

Good job! The tower is a great inclusion.

gigi-hawaii said...

I like the photos with the clock in the picture. Really nice. I have tried to photograph fireworks in the past, but they usually fizzle out and I capture only the tail end of the flare. Now, I don't bother, because it's so frustrating.

Marcia said...

I think I've figured out that you must have to have a setting that takes several photos in a very rapid sequence to capture the fireworks at the proper time. You seem to be very successful in doing the fireworks justice.

Karen said...

The last two photos really made me gasp, OHHH!!!!. Great shots.

RedPat said...

You got some excellent shots. I'm surprised that you had the energy to head out after your lack of sleep the night before.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Total success. There is nothing much better than sparkling light reflected in water. Well done. And not for nothing but scuppered is a great pirate word. xoxo

Catalyst said...

Oh, yes, great photos. And we can't ever get enough fireworks images so, as someone else said, bring 'em on, A.C.

roentare said...

So good to get that silhouette accentuated through the fireworks behind it

Joanne Noragon said...

Nice--good pictures.

Barwitzki said...

You did really well...
I've tried many times and it rarely gives good results.
Thanks AND yes, I'd love to see more too :-)))
Many happy greetings to you.

William Kendall said...

Marvelous shots!

Jenn Jilks said...

I just wouldn't have the patience!

Margaret said...

My favorites are the ones behind the clock tower. Impressive!