Sunday, July 09, 2023


Every now and then, I bring home the wrong item from the grocery store. It's a result of my mind taking one of its frequent side trips. It's just how I roll.

What happens is that, as I reach for an item on the shelf, my attention wanders off somewhere, and I shift my gaze and grab the item beside it, by mistake. That is no problem if I am working the middle of the shelf, for the item beside the one that I am aiming for is an exact duplicate. But every so often, this must occur on the edge of a display, and I end up grabbing the wrong item. 

It doesn't happen often, thank goodness, but it does happen every now and then.

My most recent faux pas of this nature occurred in my own kitchen.

I opened the fridge to get the blueberries to add to my cereal. Wherever my mind went for a few seconds, I cannot say, but I soon found myself staring in puzzlement at the tin of cat food in my hand. Why do I have cat food in my hand?

I am pleased to report that I figured it out before I dumped cat food on my cereal.


Boud said...

That must be baffling to Sue when you get home with mystery ingredients.

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm reminded of stories when (in the great depression I think) people were eating dogfood. Don't know if there was even canned catfood at that time. But I dare say if you're craving protein and the cost of dogfood is half that of say Beef choice at all. Add some root veggies and stir some water in and it's practically beef stew. Not really interested in beef anything these days. OK, on to you and your attention when chosing to pick up things. Maybe you can say to yourself, I'm picking up blueberries as you do it. A kind of attention reminder. But if you don't want my adivce I will be ok.

DJan said...

That's really funny. I also wonder if you might ever end up with cat food on your cereal. :-)

Granny Sue said...

It's similar to walking into a room for a specific reason, and walking out having done something else entirely. Our minds are so busy, and so full these days.

Jeanie said...

If it makes you feel better -- you're not alone!

Ed said...

I've done something similar but haven't yet blamed myself for it. I blame others shuffling the stocked grocery shelves so when I go to grab several of one thing, I'll end up with one of them being a slightly different type. For example, I often buy three boxes of plain panko bread crumbs at a time. Every now and then I end up with an italian seasoned box of panko bread crumbs which makes my homemade salmon cakes taste kind of funky if I don't notice before breading and frying them.

Margaret said...

I haven't been guilty of this yet but often forget why I opened up the fridge. Then I find something in there that I want and a few minutes (or many minutes) later I remember what I was actually looking for. There are SO many varieties of products at the grocery store that I have to read the package carefully. I don't want low-salt, low-fat, gluten-free, sugar-free, etc. Just "normal" unseasoned stuff!

RedPat said...

It is good that you noticed the mistake in time.

Marie Smith said...

At least it ended well, AC.

Damselfly said...

Thanks for the giggle & grin, AC.
So glad you didn't add Lacey's cat food to your cereal. Lacey would have been most upset. 😸

roentare said...

You probably need a rest or a good sleep

The Furry Gnome said...

Oh, that's good!

Joanne Noragon said...

In my family we call this "The other right." It's like telling the driver to turn left and you meant to say right.

Vicki Lane said...

Yep, been there, done that. (Not the cat food though.)

Red said...

I've been known to pick up incorrect items. Like you , I'm looking at something else and pick up the wrong item.

Liz Hinds said...

A close shave. I made a pot of tea without a teabag last week.

Liz Hinds said...

I just read Joanne's comment. I was driving a friend home yesterday and she said, "Turn right," but pointed left. I have enough trouble with right and left at the best of times.

Anvilcloud said...

Although I know my directions well enough, I will often reverse east-west or north-south when I am not thinking.

Catalyst said...

I think maybe you were subconsciously thinking of Sabine when you grabbed that can of cat food! 😊

MARY G said...

My dad did that a lot ... paper towel instead of toilet paper. Etc. you can see me doing something similar anytime you see my typing. I hit the comma or the m instead of the space bar ... but it is only my right hand. Weird, hmmm?.

Jenn Jilks said...

We've been terribly distracted around here, as well. Good recovery!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well that's a relief! Cat food on your mashed potatoes maybe, but on cereal? Ugh no. xoxo

William Kendall said...

At least you realized before it was too late!