Saturday, July 22, 2023

Adult Confusions

Here are some things that confuse me. I know there are many others, but I am too confused to think of them right now.

  • I can look at my watch 3 times and still be unable to tell you the time.

  • I can't, for the life of me, fold a fitted sheet.

  • I can't remember the last time when I was only "a little bit tired."

  • I am not sure what do when Word asks if I want to save changes to a long document that I am pretty sure that I haven't made changes to.

  • I can't quite find the fine line between boredom and hunger, but I can assure you that I don't go hungry.

  • I seem to instinctively understand when my undies and tees require washing, but pants/trousers leave me confused.

  • I can open a tab on my browser to do X, but leave a half hour later not having done it because too many of the other letters of the alphabet grabbed my attention.


Marie Smith said...

Being confused is one of the ways I know I’m alive. If I wasn’t confused about something I’d be scared, then confused…oh…back to normal!

Boud said...

I think fitted sheets were designed as an in-joke in the trade, an impossible puzzle. They also trap small items which show up next time you unfurl the sheet.

Barbara Rogers said...

Excellent summation of the life of AC...all those letters to choose from. I just save any docs where it asks if I want to...just to be safe. I hope your fatigue gets better...well, less so than now.

DJan said...

Those little confusions of life also tell me I'm alive, and that it might be time to save everything. :-)

Liz Hinds said...

I could say any of those things too. I wish it wouldn't ask me if I want to save it - or if I'm sure I want to delete it. I panic every time. As for fitted sheets, pah!

RedPat said...

Fitted sheets!!

Marcia said...

Try just rolling up those fitted sheets. And sometimes I too sit down to do something at computer and get up without having done it.

Margaret said...

Folding fitted sheets is highly overrated; we just have to unfold them to put them on the bed. When I fold them, it looks like they've been mauled by a wild animal! :)

Granny Sue said...

Funny! And too true. I sometimes stop in my tracks and try to figure out where I was going, and why!

Jenn Jilks said...

You are very droll! I like reading your posts.

roentare said...

Maybe it is therapy time?

Red said...

I'm a complete failure at the second one. Mostly because I don't care.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A not uncommon list of confusing things, AC, and can anyone fold a fitted sheet with the exception of Martha Stewart? As for the Apple watch you could have it tell you the time so you would not have to even look at it.

The Furry Gnome said...

You're not the only one who can't fold a fitted sheet. I've only ever met one person who claimed she could!

Joanne Noragon said...

I can fold a fitted sheet, but not neatly.

William Kendall said...

I can't fold a fitted sheet either.

Kay said...

I saw Martha Stewart demonstrate folding fitted sheets a long time ago and was doing it her way. I just found this on YouTube:
It's a little different from Martha, I think, but it looks easier.

MARY G said...

My typing on the iPad is notoriously awful. And I have Taken Steps. I installed 'Grammarly' this week. We shall see if there is an appreciable improvement.
And I can fold a fitted sheet. I look pretty weird doing so and I need an ironing board. But when I have finished the arm waving and profane comments, the sheet fits neatly into the cupboard where it belongs. There are videos, btw, if you get a sudden urge to figure it out.

MARY G said...

Not, I add, of me.

Jenny the Pirate said...

You know, I am rather chuffed to report that for the last few years I have been able to fold fitted sheets. First time in my life. I learned it on Instagram. Honestly it's amazing how easy it is once you get the hang of it. You lay the sheet down with the fitted curved edges UP at one of the short ends of the sheet. Then place your hands inside the other curved ends, but sort of inside out, and bring those two curved ends up and slip your hands inside the curved ends that are lying face-up. Smooth it out, then just fold each side in about twelve inches, then fold again towards the center another twelve inches or so, then one more fold and you have a long strip of sheet about a foot wide, which you just then fold up from one end until you have a square. Of all the things I have ever been confused about -- and there are many -- that is one thing I have been able to cross off my list. I always have lots of tabs open too. xoxo