Monday, July 24, 2023

Caf and Garden

I had pretty well given up, but when I was least expecting it, I saw this. 

I call it Caf, which confuses people because it is actually DeCaf coke. I have never professed to be normal.

Ever since C19, which oddly enough hit us in C20, Caf disappears from the shelves for periods of time. This time, I think it was for 4 months. Suddenly, just yesterday, it was back. While I got along just fine without it, I sometimes like a little sip in the evening when it is too late for the caffeinated Diet Coke. I did try the Zero variety once, but I didn't prefer that taste, so I had done without.

It's not like finding it made my day, exactly, but the two cases that I purchased will keep me going for awhile.


As I was pulling back into my driveway after the coke run, I noticed that garden was looking pretty good, despite our pathetic lack of attention. Even though the pots of petunias at the front were not planted this year, they are looking pretty darn alright as they have, evidently, seeded themselves from last year's flowers. Bonus!

It was too bright and contrasty for decent pics, but I took a few anyway, for the record.



It's amazing how well the flowers have done in this summer of benign neglect while yours truly has been taking a hiatus due to circumstances beyond his control.


Barbara Rogers said...

Having just discovered (or maybe I knew but chose to forget) that aspertame is associated with causing being the diet feature of an alternative sweetner...I'm going to have to leave my diet Dr. Pepper for special occasions. And, before 3 in the afternoon. At my age, there are some risks that we must take. Your garden flowers look fabulous! How wonderful to have reseeding petunias.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The yard flowers look very good despite the lack of attention or perhaps because of it. I have never been a soda drinker, but when we lived in VA many folks drank it with breakfast and recently I have seen the same here. You are apparently stocked up for awhile.

Boud said...

I rarely drink soda, but I had a house guest a while back from Tennessee who asked if I would mind getting her regular coke for breakfast! Her preference to coffee or tea.

Tabor said...

Psid my Mexican friends to weed my flower beds as the neglect has been more than benign. Gave up diet drinks decades ago and not longer drink soda except on special occasions. I do not miss that.

PipeTobacco said...

I cannot recall from my last visit to Canada if Pepsi is sold much there or not…. but for me, I greatly prefer Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke or Coca Cola Zero. I am in agreement with you that the “Zero Sugar” versions of the various pops are not as pleasant too.


gigi-hawaii said...

I didn't know petunias could reseed themselves, as I thought they were annuals, not perennials. Your flowers look so beautiful.

Vicki Lane said...

They look beautiful. Benign neglect--it's how I raised my boys.

William Kendall said...

Lovely flowers!

peppylady (Dora) said...

What beautiful flowers.

RedPat said...

The flowers look great. My petunias didn't seed themselves but the lettuce and dill sure did so we have been eating lettuce for free all summer.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I am a sucker for coneflowers so I do love yours. Their colors are so sweet. I can't grow anything. I too have never been able to like the taste of Coke Zero. My hooch of choice is Diet Dr. Pepper to which I add copious amounts of lemon juice. I'm glad you found some Caf and were able to lay in a decent store. xoxo

Margaret said...

That used to be my drink too until I switched over to water enhancers. The carbonation isn't the best for me, I've decided. The flowers look beautiful! I love all the colors.

Marcia said...

I too have given up soft drinks except for an occasional ginger ale when flying or root beer on a special occasion. I drank too many when teaching and gained too many pounds. Even drinking diet sodas makes one's sweet tooth even stronger.
Nice to the flower display.

Catalyst said...

Back when I was a near-alcoholic but having to be on both radio and television at an early hour, I used to start each day with a Hershey bar and a Coke. I don't think the DeCaf formula had been invented yet then. But all that sugar certainly got my day off to a bang. For many years I've preferred Diet Coke but I rarely have it in the house any more. Your flowers look marvelous. Love that your "benign neglect" has caused your yards to look more "wild".

Marie Smith said...

A lovely surprise to see the garden looking so good without much effort this year! Well done, Mother Nature!

roentare said...

Great flowers!

Boud said...

Once again my comment published then vanished this is happening a lot lately, and I hope people know I'm not ignoring them! Also to check spam.

Red said...

So you're saying that all the fuss we make over flowers is not necessary?

DJan said...

Wonderful flowers. I don't drink diet anything on purpose, but I don't think a little bit of anything will hurt much. Glad you found your fix. :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm glad you found a stash!

Granny Sue said...

Love those volunteers! The flowers look great. I seldom drink pop, as it is called here, but had a friend who would drink 2 two-liter bottles of diet Coke every day. Still boggles my mind.

Kay said...

I like Coke Zero, BUT I also don't have good working taste buds so I'm sure I wouldn't know the difference anyway.