Sunday, July 23, 2023

Ketchup Chips

Who new that ketchup chips were [almost] solely a Canadian thing? Well, I did, but perhaps you didn't.

Some Americans like them too, but not all Americans would make the trip from Virginia to Niagara Falls, Ontario for them, like this Father and son.

News story:

They bought 40 bags that, apparently, were meant to last the year.

It made the news, as in the above article and in this TV news video.

This particular Canadian doesn't prefer them, however. If I am going to consume flavoured chips, which I do on occasion, they will almost surely be sour cream and onion. Every now and then, I might grab a salt and vinegar if I want my eyes to water, but mostly I stick to plain, ole potato chips.


William Kendall said...

I am not one for chips either.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow those guys must have had a few other stops for other reasons...which of course wouldn't make the news. Aunt Betty lives in Buffalo or something like that. Me...also the plain, or the Sour Cream, but this week I'm going against doctor's advice and eating barbecue flavored chips. The amount of salt is directly proportional to the amount of swelling I get in my feet. So I do try to cut it down...salt intake is hard.

Tabor said...

I do like the types of chips that you like. We have Bay seasoning chip here. I avoid chips, though, because they are not good for you and hard to eat only a few.

Karen said...

I like the odd Dill Pickle, but not too many and not too often. My preference is for Covered Bridge plain. a good old time chip. Manufactured in New Brunswick. Available at Bulk Barn!

RedPat said...

I go for the classic plain ones too.

Boud said...

I'm impressed by the expertise in chip selection around here.

Kay said...

We eat Boulder potato chips from Sam's Club. I have NEVER heard of ketchup chips, but you do have me curious.

Marie Smith said...

Ketchup chips are ok once in a while. Not my favourite though.

Catalyst said...

What a bizarre idea! No ketchup chips for me, thank you very much.

roentare said...

I actually don't mind tomato sauce in almost anything I don't find appealing. But most of my mates would say it is gross having tomato sauce on anything though

Red said...

I've had ketchup potato chips. I like them.

Marcia said...

Anew flavor to me. Never seen them before.

Joanne Noragon said...

I almost never eat chips, and never flavored chips.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Never heard of them.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

PipeTobacco said...

In my neck of the woods, because we are rather somewhat kindred spirits to the Canadians, ketchup chips are extremely popular here. I do not like ketchup much at all, however, so on the rare instances I eat chips, I prefer sour cream and onion, or vinegar like you…. or plain. However, I am not a chip connoisseur of any merit either.

I had often hoped that there would be made a “curry” chip…. that MIGHT change my interest! :)


Ed said...

I’ve never heard of them but I’m not surprised since I have seen many strange flavors in my travels. I’m a sour cream and onion chip man myself.

MARY G said...

Sour cream and onion, mostly, but salt and vinegar with chicken sandwiches. Ketchup? Nah.

Margaret said...

I've never heard of them. I love salt and vinegar or sour cream and onion chips, but I'm even fonder of Nacho Cheese doritos or crunchy cheetos. I can't even have them in the house! In Scotland there were haggis flavored chips but I didn't try any.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I have never heard of ketchup chips.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Potato chips are not my go-to snack and I probably would not try ketchup flavor, like you much preferring sour cream and onion -- or barbecue flavor. BUT a wavy potato chip dipped into some ketchup and mustard mixed and slightly warmed (or not) is delicious. xoxo

Strayer said...

I don't even like ketchup much so that's a hard pass from me.

DJan said...

Never heard of such chips, but since I don't eat them, that's not surprising. They sound awful to my ears, though. :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

I like sour cream and onion, too!

Jenn Jilks said...

I like sour cream and onion, too!