Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The New Do

You might recall this recent pic of the one-eyed boy.

He sported a brand new look when he came over on Sunday to help with the outdoor chores.

Doncha luv it? We also love his help in the garden. 

We took him out to mow the back easement. Look at the tall grass behind us. That's not our property behind us, but for almost 20 years, it has been left to me to tend to most of the easement. Unfortunately, I am not in a tending sort of disposition this summer, so I asked JJ to help.

He's really grown this summer, but you can't necessarily tell when he's standing next to me, as above . However he's surpassed both Danica and Sue. He's in his 15th year (ie he's 14), which is the year that I grew a lot. Maybe that is the prime year for most boys. I know that I started that year as probably one of the smaller kids in my all-boys class but was probably one of the taller guys when the next school year began. I’m not sure of my exact height then, maybe close to 6’ with probably a couple of more inches to grow. (I ended up close to 6’2”.)

He's slim, and so I begin to visualize my young self all of those 60 years ago. Our two 14-year-old selves are somewhat similar facially as well. This was not altogether noticeable with his previous coif, but we can see it now. I swear that those eyes and facial structure could be me. Not the hair though; I never had a nice do like that. In fact, I was probably trying to do a bit of a Elvis look at that time but my recalcitrant hair was obstinately defiant.

Right after his cut: quite a change but he loves it. We all do.

A few more snaps of Jonathan being our helper on Sunday.

Hosing off the mower after the job

Weed picking

He's been a great aide this summer when I can't do the weeding and when Sue shouldn’t either.


Patio Postcards said...

Like the new do on JJ. Isn't it great having all that young muscle power at the ready to help out (col).

Liz Hinds said...

I do like long hair on boys but he's still cute. You don't look that tall sitting down. Or standing up, come to that.
I'm catching up on posts. Your flowers are very pretty, and we have ketchup crisps here. There are very few flavours in Italy or France unless you buy expensive pringles.

Marie Smith said...

Handsome young man and a great helper. It is amazing how we can see ourselves in our descendants!

Boud said...

He's got great hair. And he looks pretty cheerful, you're lucky to have such a helper around. I imagine feeding him is a job, from what I remember about boys that age.

Barbara Rogers said...

Another vote for the new hair. I got mine cut in "man style" up over the ears last time. Now need to keep it trimmed. But I like having ears out. JJ still has those great waves on top! Great that he can help so much in your garden!

RedPat said...

He has great hair. He is a good kid.

Marcia said...

He does look more grown up with the shorter cut. I can see your eyes in his face.

Red said...

What a guy! Good that he will help you when you need it.

Margaret said...

He's a handsome young man, especially with the new do--so that we can see his face. It's odd to see ourselves in grandchildren. My older daughter thinks oldest grandson looks a bit like me. I don't see it at all!

Jenn Jilks said...

It is wonderful having helpers!

William Kendall said...

Good of him to do.

Catalyst said...

Youngsters (willing or not) are great to have around to help out us (doddering) senior citizens.

Joanne Noragon said...


gigi-hawaii said...

What a great kid! Nice of him to help you. I like his new hair cut.

roentare said...

He is a good friend to you too. Great pics.

William Kendall said...

Good of him to do.

Kay said...

Jonathan (same name as my son actually) is very handsome and so cute. I love his new haircut. It's so fabulous that he's around to help you.