Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trilliums and Goslings

Trilliums are beginning to bloom, and since it has been a few days since I shot these, they may already be in full bloom.

But many were just in early bud when I visited.

I was endeavouring to take macros, but when you're getting old with bad back and knees, getting down to within a few inches of the ground is not all that it's cracked up to be, especially since you are invariably also on a slope in a ditch.

But of course I tried.

In the past, I've had some success shooting clumps of trilliums from a normal distance, so I may return. But they don't bloom for long, so we shall see.

Meanwhile, there is a family of geese at the pond. It is a large family; they're not even all in this photo.

I managed to isolate this one. Unlike their feisty parents, they are rather cute at this stage.

And . . . ta da . . . a selfie


  1. Trilliums are beautiful spring flowers. That's a lot of eggs those geese were sitting on - and now hatched.

  2. I really enjoy this time of year. I hear you about the knees. I used to use the zoom lens for close-ups like this. It means you need not get down on the ground!
    Love the critters. You two are fun!

  3. Love your pretty trillium pictures. And of course the obligatory selfie! :-)

  4. The trilliumS are so pretty and tiny. And the goslings are adorable.

    We always look forward to seeing goslings every spring but the national park has been closed this year.

  5. Trilliums don't grow in Hawaii, perhaps because of the heat. Love your photos.

  6. I don't know that I've ever seen a trillium! (until now) The photos are beautiful. I'm scared of geese, especially when they chase me. Sue has a lot more on her head than you do!

  7. the number in the goose family probably changes from hour to hour. Goslings easily mix with other families.

  8. Your photos were well worth the effort!!
    What a big goose family. The little ones are, indeed, cute. :)

  9. I think you need one of those telescoping stools. Sling it over your shoulder like a Continental Soldier....

  10. The selfie is so cute, I love it! You're so right about getting down to within a few inches of the ground not being all that it's cracked up to be. It is no laughing matter.
