Monday, May 04, 2020

Lashes and Feathers

Pretty me. Dig those lashes.

Speaking of digging things, dig this bread. It has feathers.

Once we saw this feather, we checked the rest of the bag where there were feathers aplenty.

I was pretty disgusted and ranting about returning the bread and giving the store a piece of mind, which I can ill afford to do in my dotage. You who of an age will understand my plight, I'm sure.

I will tell you happened, but first you must understand that, because there are just the two of us, Sue usually divides a loaf into two. She freezes one half to keep it fresh.

Back to the narrative: As I fussed and fumed over the feathers, something began to dawn on my dear woman.

At one time, she had removed feathers from a pillow that was too thick and stuffed them into a bag, the same bag that you see a bit of in the photo.

Rather than bin the bag as she had first intended, Sue remembered that she had another pillow that wasn't feathery enough. So she took the feathers out of the bag and added them to this other pillow.

Absentmindedly, she folded the bag up and put it away for reuse. Waste not, want not, after all.

Of course, you know the rest of the story without me telling it.

She later pulled the feathery bag out of storage and inserted a half loaf to freeze for later consumption.

Then, one fine day, perhaps a week later, we found feathers in our bread.

Too bad. It was very nice bread that we forced to heave away on that day.

Case closed.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Quite a story about the feathered bread, AC, and not at all what I expected, but then not even sure what was anticipated. Yes, many of us of a certain age can understand reusing things, even plastic bags. It might be an interesting post to ask what others have reused.

Shammickite said...

A definite case of bird brain.

Marcia said...

Granted to reuse a bag is a great idea but I think keeping food bags and general use bags separate in the cupboard may be a better idea. I had visions of your cat getting a bird and that's where the feathers came from.

Vicki Lane said...

What a good thing no one performed a rant!

DJan said...

Those are some eyelashes! And I don't think those feathers actually contaminated the bread, just remove them and move on. We reuse plastic bags, too, but hubby turns them inside out and washes them. :-)

Barbara Rogers said...

I had a friend who reused all kind of plastic bags, even washing them and turning them inside out to dry. But she and her husband often seemed to have some 24 hour bouts of stomach ailments. That convinced me to only reuse a plastic bag a bread bag could cover cheese that's just been opened. Then unfortunately it's tossed. I think I would have eaten the bread though. Sorry it wasn't up to your standards. At least Lacey didn't have feathers in her mouth!

PipeTobacco said...

Hah! That was a wonderful story! I can imagine getting all riled up too.... especially thinking of the 1/2 of the loaf you had eaten and the mistaken assumption you probably ate feathers. Glad it all had a good ending (other than the lost bread).


Jenn Jilks said...

You are quite droll! Fun story!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

A sad story but all too possible for any of us. Glad you realized in time what had happened! But still, sad.

Marie Smith said...

Recycling can cause such accidents! Funny though! Good thing you didn’t phone the store!

MARY G said...

What Beatrice suggested would make a great post. Although, child of Great Depression parents as I am, what I do not reuse would be a shorter list. The biggie is the styrofoam trays that meat comes on in grocery stores. I prefer to buy at the butcher who uses brown paper, but sometimes things like ground meat are easier to buy at YIG. I use a few of the trays to mix paint, but any of them that have a crack or other blemish get washed and tossed, alas. Too risky to reuse.

Margaret said...

I grew up hearing my dad say "Waste not, want not." He was born in 1928 and remembers the Depression. I would have probably eaten the bread. :)

gigi-hawaii said...

Oh my. What a story. Thank God there are no feather pillows in my home.

Red said...

Case closed but a very good story.

Kay said...



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