Friday, April 14, 2023

Raging Spring Torrent

Our (not your) Mississippi River is at full torrent right now. Sue and I found ourselves trying to photograph it.

This was me . . .

. . . quite possibly, in fact almost certainly, setting up for this ↓ shot. 

A photo looking along Gillies bridge toward the former Baines Machine Shop
while the river rushes past on its way north to join the Ottawa River

From about the same position as above, I pivoted my camera to the right and downward because I liked how the waves were interacting with the rock by the riverbank —  the rock with the hardy little tree. What a place for a tree to choose for its home! 

Then I walked over to the other side of the bridge and photographed the water as it was about to shoot under the bridge.

Sue also did a little video (16 seconds) that captures he movement and the sound, or perhaps I should say, the sound and the fury. But I must speak to her harshly about holding the phone vertically. Actually there was probably good reason for it in this case.


  1. Wow that's a lot of water moving! Love the video.

  2. What great pictures. I like that first one with the water looking so soft and friendly.

  3. Full torrent, indeed! And well captured.

  4. I like the contrast between the still photos and the video -- completely different experiences.

  5. Wow. The power of that water. Good work!

  6. Wow! It's so rare to see whitecaps like that in a river! What a lovely sight.

  7. That's a mighty Mississippi although not as wide as ours.

  8. The sound and the fury is a great name for the video. A great photo outing, AC.

  9. The water looks very powerful.

  10. If I were younger, I would launch my kayak and give you something to aim your lens at besides water.

  11. The black and white is very powerful for this particular series with that rushing water. Well done!

  12. Once again, some awesome rapid shots.

  13. Boy, that water is moving.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  14. That river is on a tear.
