Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Family Dinner Postponed

Monday’s family dinner was on and just about ready when Shauna texted her reservations about going ahead with it. 

You see, there is a COVID outbreak at her retirement home. On Monday, they were up to 13 cases, so Shauna proposed just dropping the kids off here so that we could visit with them. She wouldn’t stay and risk infecting us and would have something to eat at home.

That didn’t seem like the right solution, but at the same time, it did seem right to be cautious. After some back and forth, we decided just to take a portion of the prepared meal over to her place for the three of them to have together. We would consume our portion here at home.

She’s knackered too, figuring out how to cope with it all at work. She’s put in OT helping to serve meals because it has been difficult to manage to hire enough servers. Aside from labour shortages, there have been other logistical management problems, and she’s feeling the strain.

This is the 7th wave. This residence did not have any incidents at all in the first 6 waves, but now they have 13 cases (or perhaps more by now). As I understand it, these 13 cases did not all come from the same source. The virus is out there and all around us.

As I see fewer and fewer masks being worn, I wonder if we have become too cavalier because it ain’t over. It is especially worrisome when we consider that the past two summers have shown a case decline while this summer shows an increase. It causes one to wonder what will happen in fall when the kids hit the classrooms?

On the bright side, most of Sha’s cases at her residence will probably, or at least hopefully, be mild because all of the residents are fully vaxxed and boosted.

But Shauna doesn’t have her 4th dose because it hasn’t been made available to non-seniors until just recently: this despite the fact that she works in a senior’s residence. 

We have a conservative government which has always been slow off the mark when it comes to COVID vaccinations. Eventually, however, when all else fails, they tend to at least come close to doing the right thing: a little late and a dollar short.


I put this post in the queue yesterday morning. About an hour later, Shauna texted that she had tested positive. About an hour later, she was home and isolating in her bedroom. The kids will have the rest of the house, but so far they aren't positive.

I may not remember the details, but I think that if she is symptom free in five days, she can then test and needs two consecutive days of negatives. Otherwise, I think she has to isolate for 10 days. She could still test +ve for 30 days then but would still be allowed to function normally..

She was supposed to begin a week of holidays next week, but we'll have to see. She may be needed at work. Or maybe she will need to recuperate rather than travel.

Speaking of her workplace, 2 of the 13 cases are now testing -ve and are reintegrating, and all cases have been mild and more like colds.


Patio Postcards said...

I do hope that Shauna gets well quickly & no lingering after affects & that both the kids stay infection free.

This new Omicron variant (BA.5) is most worrying as reports say it is the most infectious so far & is causing more illness. Then to read that re-infection of COVID is on the rise. IMO, we need to mask up again, but Doug is afraid of the free-dumb group. I'm rolling up my sleeve again ... I wonder if there's a reward program for COVID vaccines ... the 10th one gets us a toaster.

Marie Smith said...

The virus is rampant here too. Our friends have tested positive and so did MIL in Newfoundland. All cases have been mild but they’ve also taken the anti-viral drug after diagnosis. One person is immuno-compromised. MIL is almost ninety.

Jeanie said...

It was the right solution -- especially in light of Shauna's test. But not a fun one. Nice you took dinner to her. I hope the kids stay Covid-free and that her time with this is minimal and not terribly difficult.

I'm all for masks. Often, I'm only one of a small handful of people wearing one. And I don't care. It's harder in this summer heat, but I'm willing to give it a go. With my bad lungs and underlying conditions, I don't have a lot of choice.

DJan said...

Yes, it's scary, but it doesn't seem to be making people so sick that they end up in the hospital. That's the good part, and thank heavens for the vaccines!

Ed said...

My wife the healthcare worker says that Covid is all around us too, but the lethality of it in no longer here. Those that are vaccinated still get much milder symptoms if any at all and those that aren't vaccinated, typically come rushing to the hospital for the infusions which along with better knowledge, saves their lives too. Although we get Covid cases on a daily basis, I can't remember the last reported death in our area from it. Hopefully your daughter only has mild to no symptoms and a quick recovery.

Marcia said...

How is Sha feeling? What were her symptoms? Here, Dan is still symptom free, day 4 after exposure. We have stayed clear of family nearby though granddaughter #2 got exposed at summer school on Monday and is home today with an ear ache. Me? I woke up with a headache and not the usual migraine type. I tested and was negative. I'm thinking that Dan may have it symptom free and I could catch it from him. We have both had four shots.
I think I'll put my comment up on my blog as an update.

Barbara Rogers said...

Good plans that worked in your favor, the shared but separate dinner. I'm back masking wherever there are a lot of people, or inside...and need to go get a 3rd booster soon. It's not due till Aug (6 month intervals for some reason) but I feel now would be a good time. I keep being with (masked) people who have been with people who were with people who tested positive after their interactions. Hope Sha gets over it without problems, and the kids haven't caught it.

Karen said...

It's a funny one, this version. My sis, her partner and the elderly couple they care for all tested +. All but the older woman (90+ yrs) had few if any symptoms. The woman is having a bit of a rough go of it, but has started to pull out. The four of them tested because they have a wedding next weekend. Sis says they are thankful to have it out of the way. They were all negative by day five.

gigi-hawaii said...

I don't have my 4th dose, either. Am waiting for the variant targeted vaccine to show up in October. Hope the grandkids remain negative. Best wishes to Sha.

RedPat said...

I hope that she recovers quickly with no issues. It is good that you were all cautious.

PipeTobacco said...

It is indeed frustrating and worrisome. I THINK we DO need to mask again…. at the very least when the new school year hits. But, I doubt it will happen. And the thing I hate is that it is damn hard to be the ONLY person wearing a mask…. especially at work….. since most folks won’t do it anymore. I do not know how I will navigate this. 😞


William Kendall said...

A colleague tested positive a few days back. Thus far I keep testing negative.

Red said...

covid is one devil, popping up when ever it feels like. Yes, people, including me, have become cavalier about masks.

Joanne Noragon said...

I don't know what to think. Wash my hands, wear a mask. All the best to Shauna.

Margaret said...

I know more people with it now than ever before, probably due to the contagiousness of this variant. Hope Sha is soon well and that the kids don't get it. As you know we were majorly exposed last week; I have 4 doses, my daughter and her husband have 3 and Grandson has 1. Not sure what will happen. :(

MARY G said...

My daughter got it at a conference, had two days feeling awful and was fine after that. She had to quarantine for five days only. It may be different for Shauna because of herjob.
My best friend's residence, not far from where Shauna works, is also full of cases and short, very short, of staff. My friend, age 83 and with four vaccinations, has it but has not been really sick. They are quarantining people for ten days, their own rule, I gather.
It is stupid not to get the 4th shot out there - when Jim got his, the site in Smiths Falls was almost empty.
And yes, I agree, the kids going back to school is going to be a real problem. Arond here, probably 50% of people are masked - mostly older residents. The cottagers mostly not. And interesting dycotomy. Hmm. That is not spelled right.
Hope Shauna recovers fast and fully. And that the kids behave. Kids!!!

MARY G said...

'dichotomy' - boy, I was really off.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is awful. I am so sorry.
Thank goodness for the vaccines. Omicron is awful stuff.
We are masking indoors. It seems prudent.

Jean Winnipeg said...

I hope your daughter has a mild case and the children do not get it. It does seem it would have been sensible for the system to allow her to have a 4th shot.

Here in MB our Dr in charge has just said that they are not actively trying to get people their 3rd and 4th shots if they have not had them now, because they believe that in the fall there will be a BA 5 spacific shot will be available in the fall.

hats off to your daughter for all her efforts in taking on extra duties like meal feeding at the centre.