Saturday, July 30, 2022

Caturday 38: Just Walk Around Me — Carefully

This is how a typical morning may go around here. Times are variable, but the routine is typical albeit not set in stone for as I write this on Friday morning, Lacey did not come back upstairs when Sue arose. (Oh! Here she is now.)

5:30: I get up. Lacey is usually in the vicinity and takes her position by my computer chair, even while I am still puttering about and making coffee. She waits patiently until I handfeed her kibble after which she goes downstairs for a siesta.

7:00: Sue arises. Lacey comes back upstairs. She will frequently sit in my den doorway for as long as it takes until I am ready to go downstairs to prepare both my breakfast and hers. (She is back there now as I type this!) In the interim, we must carefully walk around her, occasionally getting swatted as we pass. Thankfully, she is declawed.

9:00: Down I go. I put out her wet, meaty breakfast, clean her litter box, wash up, and make my own breakfast – almost invariably cereal, either hot or cold.

And that is how a typical morning, or at least the early part of it often passes around here.


On my iPad yesterday, I think I made a comment about Kunta Kinte and Roots on a post that had nothing to do with that. Somehow, I got dumping a right response into the wrong post. That sort of thing can happen more easily on a device other than a computer. I wonder to whom I made that comment, but whomsoever it was must have been scratching their noggin in great perplexity. 😇


Our last ride – #10 – was three days ago. Hopefully, we'll get out again this weekend.

7.78k*, 40m, AHR 118, AS 11*.6
(AHR = Average Heart Rate; AS = Average Speed)

* = best for the season, I think


Jenn Jilks said...

Such a typical cat!
Good luck with the ride!
(ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

Ed said...

Lacey certainly has you trained very well!

Yes, I pondered your comment for awhile but it made since when I read the blog post mentioning Roots. I can’t fathom how you accomplished the comment on my blog but at least I know what happened.

DJan said...

Oh, what a fine looking cat, with quite a good sized tummy. And I wonder who got that comment, it wasn't me. :-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for the weather report comment this morning. I dare say we will have intermittent showers added to ours. And I enjoyed reading your morning routine. Lacey is such a lady!

Anvilcloud said...

@Ed. I suspect I read it in Reader, but when I clicked to the site to comment, your post was also open, and I clicked the wrong tab.

Vicki Lane said...

Lacey has you well trained.

MARY G said...

The eyes are riveting - I can see that you are indeed well trained. I do enjoy Caturday.

Marcia said...

She knows the routine or maybe I should say you know the routine she's established for you.

Jeanie said...

I have seen that look. In fact, since she's Lizzie's twin, I've seen EXACTLY that same FACE and look, every single day! (And might I add, she's beautiful!)

RedPat said...

Cats love to have servants.

Tabor said...

I have been having trouble posting to a few sites. Your cat seems to be able to adjust to your schedule.

William Kendall said...

She's such a cutie pie.

Joanne Noragon said...

Your cat has become a lot of kitty.

Marie Smith said...

Puss looks ready for breakfast!

Margaret said...

She swats at you? Mari wouldn't dare. She hisses and swats at everyone except me though. Even after they give her treats.

Kay said...

She looks like a very contented kitty.

peppylady (Dora) said...

She sure looks soft and cuddly
Coffee is on and stay safe