Thursday, July 21, 2022

Dawn at the Farm

With the sunrise over the road photos done for now and, just perhaps for all of eternity, I drove a little farther and took some photos of a barn in the dawn's light with the corn growing in the dim foreground.

I was home by 6, and then we went for a cycle at 9. I was aiming to get our distance up to 7k but only managed 6.89k on this our Ride #7. Eventually, I'd like to get the distance up to 10k, but all things considered, I don't think we should push it beyond that.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Lovely reasons to get up so early, which I did as well, but my scenic views were (unfortunately) only in the gym. To answer your question about the number of hats Grenville wore on our recent road trip, he always packs at least 4.

Marie Smith said...

Gorgeous! That first is a keeper for sure!

Vicki Lane said...

These are beauties!

Barbara Rogers said...

You are so fortunate to have that great orange sky preceding dawn there!

Jenn Jilks said...

Lovely work.
I pushed it, cycling too far, and ended up with tendonitis. You take it easy. My cycling days are done.

Boud said...

Lovely early morning views. And yes easy there on the cycling.

Margaret said...

You're having busy and wonderful mornings! I'm envious of your bike rides. I'm hoping that John and I can fit a few in before summer ends.

RedPat said...

Love that first one.

Red said...

Once you get going you'll find it easy to up the miles.

PipeTobacco said...

When the weather starts to get cooler, I bet you both would be pretty comfortable with 10K.


William Kendall said...

These are lovely.

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm impressed by all the bike riding, too.

Jeanie said...

I love that silo in the dawn. Love it.