Sunday, November 07, 2021

Five Things This Time

I had a long kaffeeklatsch with Bob in an actual coffee shop. That's another first, or at least a first in a year. In order to be able to sit down and drink in the café, I had to present my vax card and offer my contact info. Know that everyone else had to do the same, I feel pretty darn safe.


I am surprised when a stranger posts a comment, but when I try to return the favour, I find that they have no blog. Recently, this is occurring semi regularly although I don't recall it happening much in the past. Mind you me, it is more than somewhat possible that it has happened more often than my dim-witted mind can recollect.

I am curious as to who these people are, where they're from, and how and why they landed on my lil ole blog. Some of them are even repeat visitors.

I do have my email address posted over  ← that way← if you ever want to reveal yourselves but retain your anonymity from bloggers at large.


I am currently trying out new hearing aids and am finding them to be an improvement, at least for hearing ambient sounds, which I think is a positive thing. I am not totally sure that I am hearing speech all that much better, but I think there has been some improvement.

I have been hearing my own stomach more. It can get downright noisy by times.

It reminds me of my mother, who didn't require hearing assistance until she was quite old. She asked, "John, do you sometimes hear your stomach through your hearing aids?"

Well yes, because I wouldn't hear them any other way. Mind you, I just said that I sometimes did.


That in turn reminds me of another thing that surprised me of another mom thing that still amuses me whenever I think of it.

I have posted of this at least once before, but here it is again.

Mom once confided to me that her magnifying glass was wearing out. "They lose their power after awhile, you know." But I didn't know that: neither then nor now.

I still have that glass, and it still works when I resort to reading very fine print, which can often be found on medication. Really now: who uses medication more than old people, and what age group is most likely to suffer from compromised vision? Hmm?


My eyes are actually pretty good and oddly, enough have improved with age in some respects. My far vision improved to the point where I am no longer legally required to wear prescription glasses when I drive, even though I had to wear them from my early twenties into my late sixties. Go figure, eh/

Consequently, I no longer wear glasses, except sunglasses for summer driving. Admittedly, I could benefit from corrective lenses at night when those oncoming lights do get a wee bit blurry.

However, I couldn't get them right now even if I wanted to because the province's optometrists are in a little contretemps with the government over fee structure. To wit: they won't see anyone who doesn't have private insurance. That applies to most senior citizens, I would think.


Finally, I now leave you with some pleasant photos of Sue and her sister, Heather, when they met recently, in Toronto. They are two wonderful women. This is in contrast to their sister who has the disposition of a honey badger.


  1. That is funny. My long distance was improving, as well, but then I had cataracts! I had my vision corrected for long-distance, and I am happy with that.
    I like your mom stories!
    Two of my three kids read the blog. My youngest doesn't talk to me.

    I have noticed a couple of people who comment and do not have a blog. I had someone report my video of a neighbour to another neighbour once. That was a bit of a mistake. Who knew anyone read my blog around here?!

  2. I have had quite a few commenters without blogs and that's okay with me.

    I'm hoping to have distance vision improved when cataracts removed. My consultation appointment isn't until March though. Who knows when surgery will happen.

  3. I keep hearing (a yearly exam) that my cataracts aren't yet "ready for surgery." Sorry to hear your optometrists are getting into a political wrangle. Loved your Mom stories. Those tiny print things are amazing. If you don't happen to live with someone with younger eyes, find that magnifying glass! (I don't know where mine is.) Oh your wife and s-i-l are lovely together. Each shot is enjoyable and the last the best.

  4. That's intriguing about the new commenters. I have quite a number who don't have blogs and I'm very curious about them. When people have a site, I can find out more about their lives and thoughts. Many think that I don't have a real blog because my link leads to my Fake Blogger blog which I have just for commenting on others' sites. A few use my e-mail to hunt down my real blog, but most aren't that interested. :)

  5. And there's another sister?? Does a honey badger have a nice disposition? I'm not sure.

  6. I get a few comments from those without a blog. I also have one persistent spammer this past month. I think there should be a badger in every family tree, just to keep us on our toes...although now that I think about it, there aren't any in my family tree...or my husband's. When I worked for the government we were told we could not publish any directions, instructions, etc. in 10 point or smaller font! Wish that was true for everyone.

  7. I tried to read the ingredients on something or other the other day and it was so small I gave up and put it back. Still don't know what was in it or how to cook it, but as I didn't buy it, it doesn't really matter either way.

    I have reading bits in my regular glasses, but in my sunglasses or my night glasses (yellow glass, takes the glare off. Idea?) I don't have them. Which means that when I need to read something when at work, it is hard and I have to put my regular specs on!

  8. It's been a couple of years now since I've seen Lake Ontario.

  9. Lovely ladies, lovely lake, lovely pictures! And I really like your mother's explanation re magnifying glass. It explains a lot.

  10. I have mystery commenters. One comments on every post. They're welcome. I have hearing aids which help in some ways. They're awful for birding as it's difficult to tell sound direction. I have Phonak.

  11. Great photos of the two sisters. How fortunate they are to have each other!

  12. Nice looking sisters! I don't use hearing aids but I can hear my own heartbeat.

  13. What two wonderful looking sisters. :) Love the cars too. Our Valiant was beige.

  14. it seems that you are not alone in getting comments from folks who do not have their own blog. As long as the comment is not spam then it's OK with me and I am thankful for the visit. I would reciprocate as well. To date, I have not had to show my vaccination card anywhere although a copy of it and the booster card are with me when out and about. Those were lovely photos of Sue and her sister.

  15. Those are really gorgeous photos of Sue and Heather. Honey badger? Too funny!

    Yes, I've had commenters who don't have blogs too. I'm always amazed that they find me because I took my blog off the web crawler.
