Thursday, July 02, 2020

Fireworks Reminiscences

If this were any other year, I would almost certainly have photographed fireworks at last night's Canada Day celebration. But it is this year, pandemic and lockdown year, so there were no celebrations, apart from some online stuff. Good for them for trying to keep the spirit.

For two years prior to 2019, we experienced bad weather. One year, it was ridiculously cold and the other year, it rained until almost show time, so I didn't venture out.

In both of those inclement years I photographed from our bedroom window, and they actual turned out pretty well. Here's a link to my 2018 post. Strangely, I can't see that I posted in 2017, but I did take photos. In fact my post from last year began with the same history that I repeat now, so I may as well repeat them again.


I posted the above photos last year in this post along with 4 photos that were current at the time. I won't repost those 4 photos here and now because, for the occasion, I have processed 4 more images from last year. Although I really like the above photos from the window, the ensuing ones are of higher local interest for they include the town hall.

These first two are composites of 2 single photos just because I can, and I like to play.

The next two images are single exposures. (For those who are interested, I photograph fireworks at ISO 100, f11, 4 seconds: obviously on a tripod.)

Should next year be yet another failure, either due to weather or the pandemic (perish the thought), I can probably find a few more to process from last year. But let's hope not, eh?


Jenn Jilks said...

You do such good work. I've never tried fireworks. We've been going to bed at 9:00 or 9:30, these days. We're pretty tired.

Barbara Rogers said...

I love these...and they are pretty without the noise of bang bangs. I don't miss that part, and haven't gone to see local fireworks for several years...preferring to be reading in bed and closing the windows! I do remember they were fun especially with a crowd of people who would gasp when they flared out beautiful colors. Your photos are excellent...4 seconds explains why they show so much depth.

DJan said...

Great job! I especially like the one with clock tower. :-)

Margaret said...

These are utterly gorgeous! You are very talented!!

Marie Smith said...

I’m with Jan for the clock tower!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

These are wonderful! Keep on playing with photography, your art.

A Cuban In London said...

Great fireworks! :-) Happy Canada Day.

Greetings from London.

gigi-hawaii said...

David sometimes takes photos of the fireworks on New Year's Eve, but I must say that they are not as nice as yours. You have a better camera.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for these fireworks images even if from years past., AC. We will not be having any fireworks displays or any holiday activities due to virus restrictions, although why fireworks would pose a danger I'm unsure. But most likely it's because people would gather in groups to enjoy them and we can't have any of that enjoyment now (sigh). Nevertheless, a few neighbors here will gather at our usual riverside location for some socializing at a social distance (of course). You captured some great 🧨 displays.

Rita said...

Fireworks are fun to see but I have avoided the mosquitoes for years. They are just as pretty on TV--LOL! ;)

Mara said...

Goodness, let's hope next year will see proper celebrations again! For all our sakes.

William Kendall said...


It was a weird one this year.

Mage said...

I like those...a lot.