Saturday, January 01, 2022

Caturday 31: Lacey and the Interlopers

Oops .  . . while searching for the proper Caturday number for this post I discovered that I didn't number post 31, The Caturday Trail, early in December. Perhaps I forgot because it wasn't about Lacey. While there will be another non-Lacey post in the near future, I will heretofore try to remain on course with my numbering. There is also more than Lacey in this post, but I asked, and she said that it was okay just as long as I featured her first and last.

Jonathan didn't rise early on his sleepover, at least partly because he went to bed later than both of us. I did get up and rolled my eyes at him sometime after 11, and he said that he'd douse the lights soon. Well . . . the boy didn't really say, "Douse." That's a grandpa word.

Anyway, shortly after his somewhat late arising in the morning, he went downstairs. When we looked down the staircase shortly thereafter, this is what we saw.

As I have said any number of times, Lacey likes JJ, or at least as much as she likes any human. She particularly likes humans when they sit in this, Sue's, chair. I would probably even get a visit if I were to sit there, but neither I nor anyone else will get a second sniff in my motorized recliner beside and to the left of Sue's. Yes, Sue and I have twin motorized recliners. Don't think ill of us for the motorized aspect, for it was the only way we could find chairs to fit and recline as we wished in our small space.

But, as I alluded earlier, Lacey has some competition on this Caturday. At Sha's house on Christmas Eve and Day, Emmy was very prevalent. She's an old puss and has become quite scrawny and somewhat unkempt in her later years, but she is still sociable and interested in scrounging goodies.

But then, when we returned Danica after her sleepover and picked up Jonathan for his turn, Lola was also there for a visit. We had a good look at each other and did some kissing too — her not me.

Lola is the boyfriend's pooch, but Shauna usually picks her up once a week and takes her to work to visit the seniors.

Aww . . . I couldn't let it end there. Gotta let Lacey have the last word, as it were.

Yes, I ask you very confidentially, ain't she sweet.


Marie Smith said...

Lacey is adorable. Animals have helped us get through this pandemic!

Boud said...

I like a post devoted to the animals!

Barbara Rogers said...

All are very sweet, but a white furry tummy does win the prize!

Patio Postcards said...

Lacey is very sweet (looking). Her confidence in exposing her most tender belly shows she trusts you. Happy 2022!

MARY G said...

Nice, too, I think that is how it goes. But if you are at 31, once or twice is not in it.
Happy New Year to you both, and watch it with the chairs if you are reclining when the power goes off. I had to be extracted from mine once, in those circumstances, and the comments from the extractor were pretty scathing. Great fireworks shots there, too. You do fine work.

MARY G said...

Drat you, AC. That stupid song has been earworming away in my head ever since I read your post. With amended lyrics, as in
Meow, meow,
Now, that's catfection.


Margaret said...

Lacey is a beautiful cat; they are very persnickety though, aren't they? (a grandma word) Mari says hi!

Marcia said...

She's so comfortable in that last photo. YOu provide her with such a nice home.

Celia said...

Lovely to get that look from a kitty. Great pictures.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Lacey is certainly a sweetheart, but in that last picture I could swear she is thinking "If I just look sweet and innocent AC will believe anything."

William Kendall said...

Such critter cuteness.

DJan said...

Yes, she's definitely adorable and knows it, like most cats. Happy New Year!

Jenn Jilks said...

That is sweet! You had a good 'holiday!'

Debby said...

I love that animals all have their own distinct personalities, just as people do. I will never have another animal. Luckily everyone else I know with animals doesn't mind me spoiling theirs.

Rita said...

Love seeing Lacey. She is such a pretty cat. :)