Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Argh! I Had to Brag

Ever since that recent post about my victory at Sudoku, I swear, the game is trying to get back at me. Maybe Miss S reads my blog and is provoked with me.

I said at the time, that expert-level challenges came along infrequently. I certainly wish it had stayed that way, but it seems that ever since that post, they are all very hard at best or expert at worst.

I am able to solve some puzzles but find myself asking for hints in other games, perhaps because it becomes too tiring to exert any more of my rather limited brainpower.

Although I have managed to solve two expert level puzzles in less than a half hour lately, \they can take double that time if it is a particularly sticky puzzle.

It's just not every morning that I want to wrestle that long and hard. Sometimes, I would just like a 10 minute medium puzzle. I mean, for me the game is about engaging the brain and being forced to apply logic, and I can still do that with a less difficult puzzle. If I do want to make it more challenging, I can try to complete it without resorting to notations, which I often do.

Oh well, as I said, the last one I managed in less than 30 minutes, which isn't too terrible, but I just don't want to do that every day. Sure I can choose not to play the daily puzzle and choose my own level, but after so many months of seeing every day filled in, I hate to stop.

Argh! again.


  1. Well, you not only have been engaging your brain, but now you have an emotion that was triggered...not sure what to call it, maybe frustration!

  2. You still want brain challenges and that is a good thing.

  3. I never attempt expert level. The easy one itself leaves me all drained out.

  4. Keep trying! It's very worthwhile!

  5. I gave up those puzzles a few years ago. You have more determination than I do.

  6. Crosswords I can do, but suduko baffles me.

  7. Another blogger occasionally posts puzzles from her posts. I used to avoid them. Never did them. But recently I did one and posted my time. Fifteen minutes. Everyone else was posting one and two. Along came another, and, by damn, I can beat this thing. This time was six minutes. Everyone else was, you know, one or two. But, I'm not quitting! Neither should you. I forgot to mention, I've never figured out how to even start a suduko.

  8. Expert level is hard on the blood pressure. We do the Globe and Mail daily.
