Thursday, August 10, 2023

Wild Night

I am quite hearing impaired at this stage of life. I am probably at 50%, and adaptations are necessary.

In Sue's present condition, one nighttime adaptation is to make sure that she can reach me if necessary. Last night, it was necessary.

Since the surgery, I have made sure that my watch is charged when I go to bed. If I can't hear her from wherever she might be, she can call me through her watch, and mine will vibrate.

I don't know what woke me last night, whether the watch vibrating on my wrist or the phone ringing beside the bed. But I both felt and heard at 3:30. She had called out first from the bathroom, but her calls fell on deaf ears — quite literally.

The poor dear had be up since 1:30 with a splitting headache, diarrhea and vomitting. She was in quite a state.

We were at ER by 4, and, after triage, we were beginning to be seen to by 4:30.

An IV was administered, including anti-nausea medication and pain reliever.

Things calmed down, but we had to wait until after 7 for a total blood workup. It's a smaller, community hospital that is not fully staffed at all hours, and that is how it is.

The results were all negative, and there was no real explanation of the emergency. We were home by 8.

So, here we be. I will soon go out and get Gravol to have on hand, but right now, Sue is just whacked.

Me too, kinda.


Barbara Rogers said...

What a nightmare of a night for Sue and you! I hate when that happens, and every test says normal. What! Something must have hit her. A frieght train at least. Yes you all can rest and recuperate very glad the watch and phone system worked for you both. And that all is well now! Big thankfulness for that.

PipeTobacco said...

That all the tests are negative is a good thing. But, having the emergency situation resolve in an “unresolved” fashion is not. I know today will be nerve wracking for both of you as will this next overnight time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers that things simply stay normal. Perhaps the best thing to do as you work through the day is to try to make sure Sue keeps as hydrated as possible, to try to keep whatever happened at bay and everything homeostatic.


DrumMajor said...

Glad you went to the ER. Still a mystery as to why the symptoms. Maybe contact her regular doc? (It will be a while before the ER system gets notes to them.) Do you have a really loud brass school bell that Sue can ring when she needs to wake you? When raising my son and he was sick, he had a high-pitched china bell that would wake me, since I take my hearing aids out a night. Hope things get better: sleep, water, pee; sleep, water, pee. Linda in Kansas

Jinksy said...

Goodness gracious! Many apologies for not visiting your blog for many moons - so I've been going backwards. to catch up, at least as far back as your wonderful moon photos... My very best healing vibes are winging their way to you both as I type, along with sympathy for the lack of sleep due to several unique night time happenings. :-) ♥x

Celia said...

Just terrible event. something must have caused it. Hope she can see her doc soon. Sending hugs and prayers.

Boud said...

So sorry to hear this. An old friend, very old, who lived alone, kept an airhorn at her bedside, you could hear it a block away.

Arlene whitehouse said...

Hugs And prayers for both of you! I have had my gallbladder and appendix removed years ago. I remember that coffee made me very sick. The doctor said that the acid in coffee was probably the culprit. So now I drink a decaf coffee with low acid . It is hard to find but there is a place called simpatico coffee that sells it online ! Hope you feel better soon!

William Kendall said...

Unresolved is still not ideal. I hope you get answers.

RedPat said...

What a time poor Sue is having. Gravol is wonderful & I find the one with ginger really settles the tummy.

Margaret said...

That's terrible! Poor Sue. I would have been panicked whether in her situation or yours. Hope she recovers quickly and that you both can get some rest.

roentare said...

Most of the aperients are irritants by design. If there is anatomical leak from the bowel, it is potentially lethal. If that were the scenario, aperients should not be continued. She should be examined by the local physician for rebound tenderness in right lower quadrant. If so, an exploratory laparoscope procedure should be performed.

I am so sorry that you are going through the health drama.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Man, that's a tough night! Hope she is doing better and you are both caught up on your sleep.

Marie Smith said...

Oh my, AC. What a tough bout you’ve both had. Here’s hoping it’s over soon!

DJan said...

I sure wish you had some idea what caused the episode, but hopefully it will not repeat again. I do hope you can find the cause and let us who care about you and Sue know what's what.

Catalyst said...


Granny Sue said...

What a night! Poor Sue! I hope and pray things are settled down by now---i was worried when you didn't post as early as usual today. I do hope you both got a bit of rest today.

Red said...

It's a stressful situation when you're trying to recuperate. Those all night emergency visits are a challenge.

PipeTobacco said...

Just a thought…. many of the symptoms Sue had are experienced by a person experiencing a severe migraine. Has Sue or folks from her side of the family ever been diagnosed with migraines?

Just an idea to consider with regards to there being no definitive diagnosis of the scary symptoms.


Jenny Woolf said...

It is good that the tests don't show anything but this sounds so wearing for you. I'm glad she is home, anyhow, and imagine she is.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It is certainly an understatement to write that you and Sue re both going through tough times. The most frustrating part has to be getting seem (finally) by medical staff and then having all results come back negative. Of course something had to have caused Sue's myriad symptoms (and yours previously) yet not to have a "reason" is maddening. Hopefully, there will not be an another episode and Sue and you can get some much needed rest. Good to read that the Apple Watch has another good use.

Jenn Jilks said...

I am so sorry for both of you.
JB's hearing impairment is 30% loss. I understand what you go through.
I know you have good help there, that is a blessing.
Surely all this will pass!

Vicki Lane said...

So scary. I'm glad to read in your latest post that she's doing better.

Jeanie said...

Oh, those middle of the night emergencies seem all the more harrowing because it is dark and late. And with such symptoms, it was wise to go to the ER. Sounds like you treated relatively quickly and I'm glad Sue's tests showed nothing more than a mystery. That's still frustrating but sometimes no news is good news.