Friday, August 11, 2023


We're making progress although it is more like p r o g r e s s — a bit on the slow side.

Sue did have a better night, but when you can't move around much, repose will still not be great. She did have a migraine this morning, but not like yesterday's. Yes, that it what we suppose it was although we don't know for certain. Sue does get migraines upon waking once or twice a month. Thankfully, they don't last more than a few hours. Yesterday's experience was something else entirely, and coming off surgery, we feared that something might have been going terribly amiss. Under the circumstances, I think it was the right thing to go to ER.

On the home front, I am keeping up with things more or less, but, believe it or not, the weekend is almost here, which is when we do laundry, electricity rates being cheapest then.

We seem to be getting bad weather warnings on almost a daily basis lately. Thankfully, most of the very worst stuff has been bypassing us.

Last night, after the deluge ceased, I peered out the bedroom window and saw an impressive cloud. I grabbed my little camera and leaned out to take a picture.

Too bad I didn't catch any of the occasional lightning bursts that fired from time to time.


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh migraines does seem part of what happened with Sue. So very sorry about them. Lucky you get a break on weekend electricity. Enjoy doing your laundry...I've got quite a stack of my own. Keep on with all your cheerful endeavors, no matter how small. Clouds out the window even.

peppylady (Dora) said...

We had a few thunderstorm come though this week.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Damselfly said...

Good to hear progress is occurring.
Wishing you & Sue a peaceful, healing, and uneventful weekend.

RedPat said...

We had weather warnings here too but only got a few drops of rain and then the sun came out.
You were right to go to the hospital. It could have been an infection or something. Glad Sue is on the mend.

Granny Sue said...

Oh, migraine! That probably does explain it, on top of surgery, lack of rest, and medication.

Jinksy said...

The weather gods are certainly testing your metal - rubber footwear may be the safe way to go - at least during lightning flashes. lol :-) ♥

Marie Smith said...

Migraine are terrible. I hate it when a weather system brings a migraine my way.

DJan said...

Well, that's much better news. I do hope she will be able to sleep in her own bed soon, though. If she is anything like me, she sleeps better there.

Catalyst said...

I had migraines a few times as a kid so I can only send Sue my sincerest sympathy. They are nasty and I think mine didn't go away as fast as her so there's that. Patience and courage.

roentare said...

With that weather, I would try setting up time lapse filming the sky. Hope Sue is doing alright.

Margaret said...

Not being prone to migraines, I had no idea of the damage they can cause. I'm glad that there is progress, slow as it is. I hope this is soon just a bad memory! That cloud is scary.

Red said...

Hopefully these bumps in recovery will be over.

William Kendall said...

We had a monster of a storm in the city yesterday.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, AC, for the update on Sue and while glad to read that she is improving, the migraines do sound terrible, just in reading, not from personal experience. Hope you will both have as restful a weekend as possible because you both deserve one.

Liz Hinds said...

Hope Sue is much better soon. Is she still under the doctor's care?

Jenn Jilks said...

I hope both of you are progressing.
My mom had migraines, as did I when I first started working, with 3 kids... Every Friday at 4 p.m. during choir practice, with my kids running around the church sanctuary. What was I thinking?!

I thought about try8ing for lightning, but I just didn't have the motivation.

Jeanie said...

wow -- the lighting on that cloud is amazing. I'm glad things are leveling a bit-- and I hope all on the upside.