Monday, August 21, 2023

Feeling Punky

I cast about for a way to describe how I was feeling yesterday. I wasn't sick or depressed, but what was I?

My father's word came to be: "I am feeling punky."  He probably said "a bit punky" or "a might punky" or some such.

I don't know when I last heard him say it. He's been gone for 24 years, but in my mind he said it much longer ago than that when I was a boy living at home.

I wondered if I had the correct word, or at least if I had understood the right meaning. To me it must have meant somewhat like tired but maybe a little more than just plain, old tired. Maybe tired plus a little off.

Of course, I had to google it. And yes, my memory was pretty well spot on, both in terms of the word itself and of its meaning.

The urban dictionary defines it as: "run down, tired, worn out, dragging, on the verge of getting sick with the flu or cold." Although I didn't feel on the verge of flu, the rest of the definition seemed to apply. It went on to add: "when you're feeling punky, you aren't feeling up to par - you're run down feeling. Sometimes abbreviated as punk - i.e. feeling punk"

Words and language add some spice to life, and, it was also nice to make that connection with dad.

However, I hasten to clarify that I am not punk as in rock music or a punk as in being a worthless or aggressive sort of person, like a hoodlum. At least I think not.


Marie Smith said...

How times have changed the expressions we use! Great example.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That is a good word to describe the way you have been feeling, John. i remember that my late aunt used it quite often and in exactly the same way. Hope you will be feeling un-punky once the new regime of antibiotics starts working.

DJan said...

I don't think I've ever heard it used that way, but it's a good description of something I feel rather often. Hope you can change "punky" to "chipper."

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, that's a new term to me, though I sure have experienced it. Now I have a name for it!!

Karen said...

My brother still uses many of these old terms. He makes me laugh, bless him.

Boud said...

I hope the punky feeling soon goes.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Hahaha not laughing AT you but just near you ... because I'm sorry you felt off but I (a southerner) never heard that word in my life AT ALL until I was married, and then my husband's family (Ohioans all) would say "feeling punk." I was puzzled at first but finally figured out what they meant. My own mother, from Louisiana, called it a "brown" feeling,hahaa -- brown being a color she heartily disliked. At any rate I hope you are feeling more yourself now and on track for a great week with your beloved. xoxo

NGS said...

My mom says feeling punky! She's originally from Pennsylvania in the States.

RedPat said...

I hope that today is a better day.

William Kendall said...

I had that feeling yesterday.

Jenn Jilks said...

The things we hear ourselves say from long ago!
Hope you are doing well today.

roentare said...

I thought the word punky just a bit out of ordinary or getting too excited.

Red said...

I'm familiar with the term punk. Had not heard punky. It's about time you get a break from the challenges you've had lately.

Joanne Noragon said...

After three days of sleeping poorly, punky describes me, too.

Debby said...

That's a phrase I heard growing up as well. Haven't thought of it in years. Hope you're feeling spunky now.

Margaret said...

My parents used that expression frequently, so I do too, mainly because it's so descriptive of feeling off, not sick or with specific symptoms. Just under the weather.

MARY G said...

Punky I have only ever heard used to describe wood - either firewood or planks that have been in the rain and sun enough that the fibres have softened. There are similar expressions - the UK has 'feeling parky' (not sure of spelling), meaning much the same. My grandmother said 'feeling poorly', and that is pretty close.
It is certainly a fine definition.
Hope you unpunk soon.

Patio Postcards said...

Feeling punky is an expression I've heard many times ... & used many times.

Liz Hinds said...

I've never heard that saying but it suits me right now!

Marcia said...

Punky sounds familiar to me too but can't recall who used it in my past. I hope all your troubles resolve soon.

Catalyst said...

I had a day like that recently. The next day I discovered I had forgotten to take my morning pills on my punky day.

Jeanie said...

My dad used that and it has slipped into my vocabulary too, when I'm feeling -- well, punky! Hope it's a bit better today. (Thanks for the official definition.)

Granny Sue said...

Perfect word for how I feel today. Not sick, not great either. Just...punky. Thanks for the new word!