Monday, August 14, 2023

Getting There

I don't really have anything to post, but I do know that some of you wonder when I miss days, especially considering our recent health issues. Since I already missed yesterday, I thought I should check-in today.

The best news is that when Sue got up yesterday, she reported that she felt "almost human." Her migraine was gone and her body was, and is, beginning to heal. It may be that the migraine was caused by the antibiotics because they stopped once she was off them for a day.

We managed to to deal with the weekly laundry, under the direction of the lady. I think if push came to shove, I could probably handle it on my own for the most part, but she is very particular about what gets laundered with what and also with the how of it all.

We also concocted some sort of almost-soup with cauliflower and mashed potatoes. Sue dreamed up the mélange as a way of dealing with one of the two cauliflowers that we, somehow, had in the house before it went bad (the cauliflower, I mean, not the house). I had thought to make my cauliflower soup recipe, but it is rather involved and calls for Swiss cheese and leeks, and I couldn't work up the effort which would have required a special trip to yon grocery store never you mind the actual processing and cooking. So Sue invented this gruel concept, and it actually tasted okay. I need to follow a recipe when I cook, but Sue comes up with ideas. These are are exotic ideas; we call her Queen of the Leftovers.

This morning, Sue is rejoicing because she even managed to roll onto her bad, appendix, side. It was brief and knot exactly comfy womfy, but it was another step in her recovery. Yay team!

Silly me, however, was up very early after the call of nature at 3:30. That's a problematic time, for by then I have almost slept for five hours, and I cannot usually get back to sleep. I tried, but it was all for naught, especially with the added bonus of a visit from the furry wonder.

Meanwhile, I saw this notice →
on fb. I was only dimly aware that there have been concerts in the park this summer, but suddenly I see a notice for the final one. Summer is indeed fleeting.


Marie Smith said...

Glad to hear Sue is starting to recover and feel more like her old self. It takes us longer to recover as we age and we can be impatient about being patients! Take care, you two!

Barbara Rogers said...

Good sounding soup...and yay for being done with antibiotics. Where would we be without those little buggers! I've got another few days on mine. Hope you all go to the least for a while.

DJan said...

So glad to hear that the worst is over. Fingers crossed!

Granny Sue said...

Soup sounds good, and even better is hearing of Sue's recovery.

Patio Postcards said...

Glad to read that Sue is definitely on the mend. Not being able to sleep on a favourite side can cause for a restless sleep. Leftovers can make some great dinner creations.

Vicki Lane said...

Sounds like a sou I would do. Cream of something or other. So glad Sue is feeling better.

RedPat said...

Glad to hear of the progress.

gigi-hawaii said...

Glad to hear that Sue is feeling better. Do take her to the concert in the park. That would be lovely.

Karen said...

We have a repair business. This morning we got our first call for a snowblower service!!
Good to hear Sue is recovering at last. She will be cracking the whip in no time. Does the kitty snuggle up to her when she is down? Mine seems to instinctively know when I'm having a bad day.

MARY G said...

Sue and I seem to be in tune about the laundry being done The Right Way. So glad to hear she is improving. May it continue.
Lots of summer left to celebrate recovery!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Excellent news all around. I'm so glad Sue is feeling much better. Summer is indeed on the wane. I'm always somewhat sorry to see it go but I so adore the -ber months that it always makes it okay. I hope both of you have a stellar week. xoxo

Margaret said...

That's wonderful about Sue's progress! Almost human is the way most of us feel in the morning anyway so that's a great start. :)

Catalyst said...

Sue cooks like my wife and I cook like you. From what I've been reading I gather that cauliflower is the big thing this year. I think I would have sliced them and roasted them like a thick steak though.

Anvilcloud said...


I think it is partly when you learn to cook. In my case it's later in life, so recipes are my only hope.

Liz Hinds said...

I admire Sue. I need recipes. Glad she's feeling a bit better.

Damselfly said...

So good to hear Sue's doing well!
Wishing you both a very, very good week.

Celia said...

Good news that you are both healing. Glad Sue is rid of the migraine, awful things. Hope you two do make it to the concert, a nice way to ease summer on it's way.

roentare said...

For me, it is always congee or chicken soup to heal gradually. Good to hear Sue getting better.

PipeTobacco said...

Glad Sue is doing better!!!! The concert sounds very fun!!!!


Joanne Noragon said...

This time next month you will live in a completely normal home!

William Kendall said...

It does sound like on the mend is happening.

Jenn Jilks said...

We've been coping, since I turned my ankle.
I hope all is going to improve!