Sunday, August 06, 2023

Good Grief Charlie Brown

On this Sunday morning, Anvilcloud will finish his second does of antibiotics to fight his second UTI since his June surgery.  Finally, the night sweats seem like they might be over, and the old boy is feeling pretty good. What a long haul since the first surgery in February through the second one in early June and catheters, night sweat, and infections!

Sue and I were both thinking that we were out of the woods, and then . . .

. . . the other shoe dropped.

Friday morning Sue felt nauseous and had pain on her lower right side above her hips. It should be just one of those morning disturbances that would soon pass. Right?

Wrong! It didn't pass. As a matter of fact, it got worse and worse.

By 2pm we were in the ER of our local hospital.

At 4:30 an ambulance was taking her to the large city hospital where there is a CT scanner. There is one closer to us in another smaller hospital, but they would not have a emergency surgeon on standby. OUh oh, what is this surgeon thing?!

I saw the ambulance leave and learned later that it was a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride.

I went home to wait for Shauna and began to pack things. When Shauna arrived, she thought of more things to pack, and off we went.

Come 6pm Shauna and I had caught up with her. Sue was sitting in a wheelchair all alone, shaking and sobbing. It is one of the most pathetic sights that I have ever seen in person as she clasped her puke bag time and time again but was never able to vomit.  She was writhing around in the wheelchair trying, unsuccessfully, to find a spot that wasn't so incredibly painful.

It was heartbreaking to witness. I had to fight to keep it together for her sake. Shauna was more of a help than AC.

Finally, things got rolling. She had her scan and was then given meds and IV fluids.

By 10pm, we were up on the surgical floor.

It was 11pm when they took her into the OR to remove her appendix. How odd it was for a 76 year old appendix to decide that enough was enough, and to pack it in right then and there with no prior warning.

We would have at least two hours to kill, and Sha decided that she needed to go home, take our her contacts, and get freshened up after a full day at work. Our town is only a half hour away by highway, so we could do all that and easily be back by 2, which would be the earliest possibly discharge time.

On the way home, the surgeon phoned around 11:50. Surprisingly, they were done already. He reported that her appendix had had a little perforation, so they would want to monitor her overnight and, quite possibly, for even longer.

That all happened on Friday. Now, I will jump ahead to 2:30 the next afternoon — yesterday, Saturday.

Sue was home.

What a whirlwind! On Thursday night she went to bed seemingly healthy, but she didn't wake up that way on Friday. In that one day, she had visited two ERs, had an ambulance ride, and had surgery by midnight. Wow!

It was hard to believe that so much had happened in just 24 hours from the time we left the house on Friday until we were back on Saturday.

If it had to happen, her appendix chose the right time to do this. Imagine if her troubles had happened concurrently with mine. What a pickle that would have been! Now, I am feeling good enough to help her.

She stayed downstairs on the chair last night. I helped her organize her pills before I came upstairs for the night. This morning, I brought her coffee down and made her toast after I arose at 6.

Good grief, Charlie Brown.


Marie Smith said...

Wow! You two have had a rough bout for sure. One of our friends had a similar appendix incident in her early seventies. I was happy to hear of your recovery, then as you wrote about Sue’s illness, my heart sank. Speedy recovery, Sue! Hang in there, AC.

Jenn Jilks said...

I am so sorry! It is stressful, isn't it?

I had a fall yesterday, and JB did his best. Ice helped.

Good work, Nurse AC! It must be a blessing to have Shauna available! My hydrogeologist daughter isn't too much help!

Boud said...

I'm glad to hear she's doing better. What a nightmare.

Vicki Lane said...

Yikes! Poor Sue. But at least it was resolved fairly quickly. Now both of you are due for some trouble-free time.

Granny Sue said...

Oh my goodness! What a scare! Poor Sue. I immediately thought appendix when you said pain on the right side. Sending prayers for her smooth recovery. I had mine out when I was 5, and still remember the pain and nausea. It was terrible. I hope you can continue to care for yourself, AC, while helping Sue.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow! TOo much. Good timing (if ever it is good to have appendix out) to wait till you could help her. So glad you're both on the mend. What, the trip to Paris is on again! Yay!

gigi-hawaii said...

Oh, poor Sue! I can just imagine her agony. Poor thing. I am glad she is recovering nicely and you are there to help. Now, take care of yourself, too. Don't you dare get sick again.

William Kendall said...

What an ordeal.

Barwitzki said...

My goodness Charlie Brown ... no one wants that. Glad you got through the worst of it.
All my best wishes to you both... get well soon.
Always stay optimistic... yes.
Hug of Viola

Debby said...

Oh my gosh. This is a shock. Glad she is back home. You two have had a rough year.

DB Stewart said...

Good grief, is right. So sorry you had to endure this too!

Kipper said...

Wishing Sue all the best.x

RedPat said...

The poor dear girl. I hope she heals fast and you two can enjoy the rest of the nice summer weather.
Take care of yourselves.

Damselfly said...

Oh my! Hope Sue's recovery is swift & uneventful.
Glad to hear you're feeling much better.

DJan said...

It actually sounds like it was the best possible outcome for appendicitis attack like that. You were better and Sue could now have your undivided attention. What an extended ordeal, though. I look forward to hearing more good news!

Margaret said...

That must have been terrifying for both of you and heartbreaking to see Sue in such pain. I suspected appendicitis at the first part of your tale for some reason. So happy that Sue is now home and recovering! She doesn't know me but give her my very best!

roentare said...

This is such a disheartening series of events. I had perforated appendicitis when I was 11. I nearly died due to misdiagnosis x3 by 3 different pediatricians. The pain is certainly excruciating.

Hope she recovers well.

Catalyst said...

Gawd! This old age stuff is for the birds. I had an emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix but I was only 12 years old at the time - 71 years ago. I can't imagine what your year has done for both of your *mental health*. These unexpected medical emergencies are enough to try anyone's soul. Sending good vibes for good health for the future.

The Furry Gnome said...

Hope Sue recovers fast and you're both feeling better.

Joanne Noragon said...

Good grief, indeed. Here's to a rapid recovery.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Wow, isn't amazing what doctor do. Wishing Sue a quick recovery.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Blondi Blathers said...

All the best to you both, hoping the crises are past for good. -Kate

Jeanie said...

You two will have quite the updates for an annual holiday letter, if you do one. This sounds absolutely grim. To both of you I extend rapid get well wishes and hope that in a few days you'll both be back on the top of your game.

Red said...

Sorry to hear about this but happy that they took very quick action to remedy the situation. Get well soon , Sue.

Patio Postcards said...

Sending lots of healing thoughts to Sue. Oh my a burst appendix & thankfully no one thought, oh this will pass. What a scare!

Ed said...

Those evolutionary deadbeats sure pick a find time to make their presence known! I'm glad it was successfully removed and Sue is healing.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good grief exactly and what an unexpected medical emergency for Sue and everyone else. Happy for the successful outcome and that she is back home recuperating. Best wishes sent for her continued healing💐

NGS said...

Oh, no! You two are really going through it, aren't you? And HOW DARE her appendix just decide to start being a jerk?! I'm sorry it was so painful for Sue, but fingers crossed she recovers quickly and this is all a little blip.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh John, I am so so sorry to learn that Sue has been through this but thank God for quick, efficient care and for her loving husband and daughter to fill in all the blanks. I hope Sue will relax and continue to recover daily until she is once again one hundred percent in the pink, and I will faithfully pray to that end. God bless you both! xoxo

Christina said...

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear that Sue was so poorly. Working my way back from your post on 9 August, I know she is better and I am glad of that.

Jenny Woolf said...

I am sorry you have both had to endure this. I never did see the point of appendixes and must say I wish I'd had mine out when I was a kid. I would have enjoyed being in hospital and everyone bringing me gifts and letting me have icecream. All that stuff doesn't seem like fun now.

MARY G said...

I just found this... Surfacing from a surgery of my own. Sending huge hugs and love to Sue and to, you.