Saturday, August 12, 2023

Caturday 51: Hang Your Leg Over

It has been more than a month since our last Caturday, and that Caturday was about Sabine. Consequently, Lacey is offended, so here she is in what I call her podium, but pedestal would work.

It is plain for all to see that she is a pretty big girl who barely fits the podium, but she does spend a lot of time in/on there early morning and late evening. Those are the hours that find her waiting for me. In the morning, she waits for me to go downstairs for breakfast. In the evening, she hangs about waiting for me to break down and give her the odd cat treat.

I took this picture yesterday because I liked the way that her leg was hanging over, and with the window open, so she could hear the wind blow.

Yes, you may sing the tune now with the slight modification of substituting leg for head: Hang your leg over, hear the wind blow.

Lacey is pretty content overall. In addition to her kibble bowl and occasional treats, she gets her three daily helpings of wet food that amount to one small can. It is always pate and always seafood-based because that is what she likes. No chicken for this turkey.


Vicki Lane said...

Every day is Caterday, silly human.

Barbara Rogers said...

A nicely organized photo I'd venture to add. Happy Caterday dear Lacey. Here's a pat from North Carolina.

Marie Smith said...

The song is perfect for the photo. Great choice.

Liz Hinds said...

That looks like a perfect spot to hang out.

Jenn Jilks said...

Happy caturday, Lacey! Good to see you.

Jeanie said...

Lizzie's a pate fan, too. I always love a Lacey post! Thanks for that!

Karen said...

Your cats preference sounds like ours. If we mistakenly pick up shreds, it ends up going to the dog. If we buy the wrong brand, it goes to the dog. She isn't fussy.

RedPat said...

The way she is sleeping shows she thinks there is no danger anywhere. What a relaxed pose that is.

Margaret said...

She seems like a well-treated and well-loved kitty. I love it when they dangle their leg over too. I wonder why they do so.

NGS said...

I love it when they stick one leg out like that. I also appreciate how persnickety cats are about food. Zelda will not eat pate, we have to get her that stew-type wet food. A change is unacceptable! Bless cats. They're really in charge.

Catalyst said...

Our cat, SweetiePie, hates the pate and will eat only Shreds, also only of seafood. It took her awhile to train us but now she gets what she wants, normally whenever she wants. I told SWMBO this morning that I'm thinking of changing her name to "Ever Hopeful", as she follows us around the house making plaintive little sounds when she thinks it is time she should be fed once again.

William Kendall said...

She's a sweetheart.

RedPat said...

I just saw your Monarch Butterfly post. How lucky you were to see them emerge and then fly off. Thanks for the link.

PipeTobacco said...

Not sure why…. but I do something similar with my leg from the side of the bed when I am sleeping. For some reason when sleeping it must feel very comfortable to me.


PipeTobacco said...

Lacey is always adorable! I do miss Sabine though….. she is extremely cute!!!


roentare said...

It is a relaxing scene.

Joanne Noragon said...

Lacey would find a mate in Katherine, who will only eat real chicken liver treats. She turns up her nose at a helping of equally expensive pig liver and cow liver from the same manufacturer.

Marcia said...

Catching up on your posts. What a time the two of you have had. Hope Sue is feeling a lot better. When I had my appendix out in the 60s I was a week in the hospital and had to learn to walk again. Thanks goodness for modern medicine that Sue didn't have that experience.

We were on a week long family vacation. Home now with granddaughter #3 visiting for the week before her parents join us from Buffalo for the Cornish Fair.

DB Stewart said...

Podium, lol.

Patio Postcards said...

Lacey looks very comfortable. Ah to be able to sleep like a cat ...

Debby said...

Oh dear...did we live closer, I would have a nice batch of cat food for you. Mine HATES seafood. I discovered this after the fact - of course...