Sunday, August 27, 2023

Twenty Month Later

You've heard about supply chain difficulties and maybe experienced them? Well, it took me 20 months to obtain the subject of this post. 

The printer was listed on sale in December 2021, so I submitted my order. After about a year of waiting and hearing nothing, I called about 6 months ago to see if they still had it in their records. They did and reported that they were starting to see some movement on such items. Starting … some.

Just over  a week ago, I was surprised when they sent an email asked if I still wanted it.

In a sense, I didn't need it anymore, or not as much as I had back before C19, but I went ahead and confirmed the order.

It arrived soon after, and here it is along with my first high quality print on 19x13 paper.

My public displaying and selling days are over, or at least I think they are, but here I am with an expensive printer. I will be content to print photos that I choose for my own pleasure.

I needed a new printer of some description regardless, so it might as well be one that I can use for quality, large prints. The photo featured above, is a two-year old sunrise photo that I happened to recently come across again. I printed it just because I could, and it gave me a certain amount of satisfaction to do so.

The previous printer started smudging just about the time that C19 began, and believe me, no replacement at all was available for quite some time. Then, even when this printer that I wanted was advertised and appeared to be available, it still took the best part of two years for it to arrive on my doorstep.

Patience and persistence, young grasshopper. Or old codger.


Jenn Jilks said...

What a great tool for you! I bet you'll get much enjoyment.

Marcia said...

That was a long wait. I think you hold a record there. Lovely photo too.

Barbara Rogers said...

Gracious...what a long time coming. Nice that it works so well. Perhaps you'll start framing or matting these and take them someplace where people can see them, and maybe buy them!

Boud said...

I've heard of long waits these days, but that's a record. I hope you enjoy it anyway, exhibits or not.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That is crazy! I find it incredible that nearly two years later that businesses are still behind like that.

RedPat said...

That is unbelievable. Crazy.

Red said...

Now your photo made sense once I got to the end of the post. You wanted a high end printer and they are maybe not in demand so fewer are made and distributed.

Margaret said...

Beautiful print! As a photographer you need to be able to print when you want to...or not. However, the lack of capacity to do so would drive me nuts.

Vicki Lane said...

Wow! Our printer is rubbish--I don't even try to print photos.

Granny Sue said...

I can't believe they kept your order all that time. Looks like it was worth the wait? BTW,how are things on the health front at your house?

Catalyst said...

The photo is beautiful and, if you can afford the printer and will put it to good use, then why not buy it. Waiting two years for one is more than I could do though, especially at this time in my life.

PipeTobacco said...

Maybe it will inspire you to again show your works at coffeehouses and such…. since it was fun prior to the pandemic…. or perhaps in other venues? It is always fun for you to have your work seen….. so you should reconsider perhaps?


roentare said...

2 years later, the model is already ready to be replaced by a newer model. Still looks great though. I have stopped printing on my own as it is often too messy to print.

Ed said...

I suppose it had a computer chip in it somewhere. If they are getting finally caught up enough to make printers with them again, perhaps the great chip shortage is nearly over. It will go down in history books second to only the toilet paper shortage of the same era.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been a while since I had an printer.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

MARY G said...

Wow! Impressed. I was sad when my big printer died, and did not replace it. Now I know whose doorstep I will arrive on, she said, evilly chuckling.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Good heavens, that is ridiculous! But wow that print is phenomenal. I'm jeal. xoxo

William Kendall said...

That is a long wait.

Jeanie said...

Wow -- that's a long wait. But I think worth it. Look at that gorgeous print. Someone like you can't have a printer that smears. You need a good one because you do excellent work, even if you only print for friends/family or cards. Lovely!