Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Morning Musing

Sue walked in just a few minutes ago. It was 4:35AM. She asked what I was doing and if I was okay. I was just finishing catching up with your posts, and yes I was and am okay. In addition to blogs, I've also been through Twitter and Flickr already. And I have had my initial coffee — long ago actually. I should make a second cup.

I had been up for more than an hour already after my five hours of sleep. I think that is correct, but I'll get my watch app to confirm later. But it's not always right either.

BTW, Sue is coming along although yesterday was a bit of a relapse from the previous day. No, relapse is much too strong, but I can't think of an alternative right now.

I will do a little grocery shopping later. There's not much on the list, but I'll get what there is.

The boy came over yesterday to help out with weeding and garden cleanup. He cut down the spent daylily stalks and even ones that were not quite spent. We just had him do it whilst he was here.

He borrowed some of Sue's paints for a decoration for his new room. His mom sent a photo. 

Now that his hair is shorter, I am stunned, once again, by how much he resembles me at that age. Honestly, that face could be mine — not the hair though, even when I had hair.

He's been fixing up a lair in the basement after having a squidgy little bedroom upstairs. I think it will be grand down there. In the background hangs one of Sue's paintings. If memory serves, there is a cardinal in the winter scene.

It's almost 5 o'clock: time for a second cuppa and sudoku, wordle, and a few other puzzles. Then, there must be a shower. I never used to be a morning-showerer but ever since the catheter, I continue to sweat every night. When I was teaching, I would always clean up at night to try to squeeze in every bit of sleep that I could before heading out for the day. Yes, once upon a time, I could sleep.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the updates on Sue and yourself, AC, and hope that the relapse you referred to was a short-lived one. It is very nice that grandson JJ is so helpful with doing the yard chores. His lair as you described it looks comfortable and the shorter hair style looks good as well.

Jenn Jilks said...

I understand about not sleeping. JB is up 3- 4 times a night.
So sorry.
I have that same garden stool, although mine is a bit rusty.
Great to have an assistant. He's grown into a young man!

Barbara Rogers said...

A lair for the young man! Hope he does tasteful decorating with those paints. It's so good to hear that he helps you all with the garden. Enjoy the day.

Granny Sue said...

How nice to have a young helper. I hope you will share photos of the finished lair! How cool. Good to hear that you are both still on the mend. I didn't know Sue painted. She is quite talented!

Cloudia said...

I am a 6 hours sleeper. I hope perhaps you can catch a nap if needed during the day. You certainly have filled your life with good things in people. Wish you all the best for a happy day and good coffee. Aloha!

Marie Smith said...

Your grandson has grown up before our eyes. Where does time go? Not into sleep…for either of us apparently.

Margaret said...

He does look a lot like you and I love his hair! It is odd to see our faces on others; looking at photos of Younger Daughter can be eerie for me sometimes. Sorry about Sue's step back, but I'm sure it will soon resolve.

RedPat said...

I am sound asleep at 5 am. You certainly get a lot done when you first wake up.

Catalyst said...

Strange how one's sleep patterns change as one ages. And the damnable night tinkles. ;vD

DJan said...

I would have said Sue had a "minor setback" when one is moving in one direction and then it slips a little. Nice lair for the young man. I'd love to see a closeup of Sue's painting, too. :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

I am so impressed by that boy. That's the second time he's been by for gardening work. If he's short on cash, he has a handy talent to market around his neighborhood

Red said...

that kid may look like you,but does he sleep like you?

Jeanie said...

I love that The Boy is such a great helper -- and that he has one of Sue's photos in his new digs. That's terrific!

Liz Hinds said...

He's doing a good job on his lair. I don't know how you manage on so little sleep!

Patio Postcards said...

It's great that you had JJ there to help with some more gardening. I like your front garden row of daylilies. Sleep the magic elixir but yet so fleeting for many of us. I'd say that lack of sleep is the number one problem for many.

William Kendall said...

I've always preferred a shower before leaving for the day.

Debby said...

I am a morning shower-er and always have been. Tim has trouble sleeping at night. Strangely, lately, I am sleeping so well. This morning it was after 9 when I got up. It is almost embarrassing. Glad to see that the two of you are continuing to improve. Suggestion: Invite Catalyst over to cook for you. He'd get a break from the heat, you'd get fed well!

Vicki Lane said...

A room of one's own! Back in high school, he who became my husband fixed up a "pad" in a room over his parents' garage. He really enjoyed making it his own.