Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Weeding Time

Although we have mulch on top of a weed barrier, weeds still try to take over. At least they are easy enough to pull up, because they are not rooted in the underlying soil.. However, they're very low, and certain people with certain back issues do not find it easy to get down to extricate them. However, a little folding stool does help.

I am weeding ↑ a little patch where Joe Pye grows. It's hard a fathom that the plant will end up being as high as the fence. It grows from nothing to fence height every year. Meanwhile, almost all of the the green that you see right in front of me, were weeds that had to be pulled. (Behind me, to the left, there is the famous bird bath and forget-me-nots. Unfortunately, the plants will soon become too leggy and spent and will also have to be pulled. They do come out easily, thank goodness.)

I have also done some weeding out front, but I can't readily access the garden part around the tree. I can weed the lawn and the garden edges, but I can't easily get right into the depth of the plot. Sue can do so a little, but we brought JJ in to do most of it.

Those are daylilies on the right. They are one plant that is hardy enough to grow in our terrible soil and right next to the hot driveway.


  1. I use a stool, too. It's hard on the knees otherwise. Looks really good, AC!

  2. Looks great! Gotta get me one of those stools too! Linda in Kansas

  3. I think your neighbors must like you. You have a neat yard. I think they are going to start to put anonymous notes in my box soon. Sigh.

  4. There is always something to do in a garden.

  5. I need one of those stools! Weeding is one of my most hated chores.

  6. Not something I do, but recently in taking pictures at ground level I've either been on my stomach or on a knee.

  7. Good looking gardeners all! Keep up putting the flowers in place, and the weeds in their place.

  8. What a day in the garden. Fun

  9. I have that stool too, a Christmas gift last year. I've used it once to pull weeds. we probably could have used it today if we hadn't been in such a hurry. Dan helped me plant herbs and impatiens in the rain - the reason we hurried.

    I got some forget me not plants from a neighbor down the road. I know just where to put them so they'll spread.

  10. Sometimes I use a small stool when cleaning up weeds and other problems. Unfortunately I don't have a grandson nearby to conscript into the job.

  11. I ha a stool just like that. It's probably rusting away somewhere.
    The ability of lilies to grow anywhere is why they are also called ditch lilies. When they were dug out for overcrowding, they were tossed into the ditch, where they took hold and bloomed profusely,

  12. I too, need to do some weeding.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  13. Great when help is there... especially when weeding, because nobody likes that.
    A hug to you.

  14. I read recently that as you get older, if you get down on the ground you should already have a plan in place of how to get up (lol).

    Joe Pye is now sold in garden centres as a natural, drought tolerant plant which the butterflies like (apparently) ... maybe you could pull out & pot up & have a little curbside sale :)

    Daylilies are one of my favourites.

  15. My mom does all the gardening around here. I see lilacs in full bloom. They must smell wonderful next to you.

  16. Hooray for helpers! I can smell the lilacs!
