Sunday, May 28, 2023

Caturday 49 (a day late): Pets and Naps

When Sue awoke yesterday and entered my lair, this is what she saw.

It has continued to get cold overnight with several frost warnings.
By afternoon, I was wearing shorts.

It didn’t used to be this way, but sometime in the last year or so, Lacey has become almost sure to visit me three times a day — morning, noon and night as it were. In fact, I may get multiple visits at each of those times.

She often gets a brushing and seems to love it. Of course, there are no go zones, don’t you know?

Normally, after brushing or sometimes instead of brushing, there is a petting session.

After she’s been on me for 10 or 15 minutes, we may both ready to move on. Often, I offer her a treat to get her to begin to think of moving her furry body. It doesn’t always work though. Sometimes, she stays for more attention and maybe another treat as well. After all, she is a cat, and she can be devious.

Just a few days ago, I was curled up for a nap, so there was no brushing or petting on offer. She still climbed up, found a spot by me that suited, and we napped together for awhile.

I certainly had no indication during her first few years here that this kind of togetherness would ever happen, but trust has been won. She still sometimes flinches though, when she sees a hand coming down toward her head. I don’t think that will ever change. 


Barbara Rogers said...

what a cozy picture you two make! Yes there's a new Lacey in town!

Boud said...

I wonder if she knows you haven't been feeling well? Her instinct to take care of you (by making you stroke her!) has kicked in, maybe.

Jenn Jilks said...

Aw. Every day is Caturday!

Marcia said...

You both look very comfy.

William Kendall said...

Lacey has you well trained.

DJan said...

She sure does look content, all right. :-)

NGS said...

Awwww...way to go becoming her favorite person!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Cats are such funny, independent animals. Great to snuggle up with if you're not allergic to them (like I am).

RedPat said...

She has her own needs that need to be filled.

roentare said...

it is so lovely that she does it for you three times a day

Margaret said...

What a wonderful routine with your sweet kitty! Mari loves our snuggly mornings.

Joanne Noragon said...

Yoo give me hope for Kitty. We merely have to live long enough.

Debby said...

I think they know when someone is ailing.

peppylady (Dora) said...

You look comfy.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Marie Smith said...

Great progress on the Lacey front, AC. She took her time for sure. Patience is a wonderful virtue!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

As has already been stated, you both looked quite comfy in this photo. And from the post it seems there has been a sort of bonding process going on between yourself and Lacey.

MARY G said...

A building up of trust, sounds like. Plus, you are nice and soft and warm to nap on. See if she still does it in hot weather ... or, rather, when she chooses.
We had a dog that learned to trust us so well that he would sleep through the vacuuming and have to be nudged. But he never got over being nervous of brooms. And he could differ between a broom and a leaf rake. What??

Kay said...

Could it be that Lacey knows you need her right now?

Jeanie said...

Lacey knows you need her now. And what a treat.