How can it be that after only having tiny sips of water for almost 12 hours and then peeing a dozen times, or maybe more, that my bladder was full?
For when the good doctor got the scope in there, behold, it was, indeed, full.
He was able to see this firsthand once he had dilated me for the second time in three weeks.
After the previous cysto and dilation here, I had a most wonderful flow for about a week. Then it started to diminish, and by the end of the second week I was, frustratingly, back to dripping.
But that was just before the long weekend, so it eventuated that I had to endure another week. I had called the doctor on Friday, but they were gone until Tuesday, and I was finally seen on Thursday.
First, he moved my surgery from 4 weeks to 2. But that did not solve my problem of getting me through those two intervening weeks. Under much prodding from Sue, for which I am grateful, I secured another dilation for yesterday.
A cysto is one thing, and not a fun thing to be sure, but having a dilation with it can be a wee bit rough.
But anything is better than peeing every few minutes and still not voiding properly. By Wednesday night, it had been hurting to urinate, but I knew that there would be relief in the morning.
And relief there was . . . and on into this next morning.
The good doctor determined that it would be most beneficial to catheterize me for the next two weeks whilst I await surgery. And then, possibly, for a week afterward.
The catheter is not perfect, but it is comfy enough that I got close to 8 hours of sleep, which is a rather rare treat.
I have been told by my significant other that I was looking rather wiped and spacey yesterday morning before the surgery and after the ordeal of the previous week. The day and night before had been particularly difficult.
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Glad you got relief and a whole night's sleep. It did look like you rather needed it! You'll be back out there planting and pulling weeds again in no time. In the meantime there's all those streaming shows and YouTube for you! Take it easy!
Sorry about the health saga. Let's hope you get it resolved.
I hope you have sustained relief until you have the surgery, AC. Glad it was moved up!
I am so glad you will get taken care of sooner rather than later. You do look a bit wiped out. Sigh. What an ordeal this has become!
What a pain in the, um, arse!
Hope you are feeling better soon.
It is so hard to see you gowned and masked with a tired expression. Get well soon. Get healthy and have a beautiful summer!
Oh, you poor thing. I really feel for you. Take care.
I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this again. Very frustrating and painful. I'm happy that relief is in sight!
Hang in there, my friend. I hope this one settles things.
Good luck with it all - at least the catheter will relieve you during the wait time.
I have always felt a bit hard done by being a woman and enduring all the issues that brings with it healthwise, but your saga has educated me to the woes you men must deal with! I pray that your travails will soon be over, AC,and that you will soon be back to enjoying life!
Not a good thing to go through.
Hope it goes well!
So sorry for the continued pain and discomfort. Hoping the catheter provides the temporary relief and the surgery the permanent relief, my friend.
The stuff you're going through right now is really rough. It's enough to make you cry. I hope the surgery goes well and that things are repaired and your back to regular action. .
That sounds horrible. I cannot imagine the discomfort of a full bladder that you cannot empty. You have ever reason to look exhausted and wiped out. I hope that you get some permanent relief here at some point.
Ouch, this sounds awful. I am a bit behind with reading blogs and hopefully now you are much better.
Dude. This hurt me too. Get better.
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