Thursday, May 11, 2023

Trillium Time

I had a post written about my hunt for trilliums earlier this week. But when I was editing it just a little while ago, I was trying to undo something that I had typed. I hit ctrl-z too many times, and the whole post disappeared, and I could retrieve it.

So, not I am just going to show you the two or three photos that I have from the shoot. You have been saved from my tedious ramblings: no detailed description and explanation today.


William Kendall said...

Very pretty! I photographed some a couple days ago.

Boud said...

They're lovely, even without the narrative.

DJan said...

Nice! You know I love trilliums. :-)

Vicki Lane said...

Nice captures of lovely flowers.

Ed said...

Too bad you didn't hit Control-Y to redo your undo.

Margaret said...

I enjoy your ramblings but the flowers are nice too. I swear I haven't seen them around here.

Barbara Rogers said...

Beautiful. I'm not happy about how things I deleted by mistake have really disappeared into nowhere retrievable. I think having a trash container (as in emails, as in my computer itself) would be very nice for this program as well as my text messages. Oh well. I keep telling meself it's no sweat off anyone's nose.

RedPat said...

Beautiful shots.

NGS said...

I just wrote about trilliums today! We are often twins!

Marie Smith said...

They are such tiny beauties! Love these shots!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful flowers. I've only used ctrl-Z in Photoshop. I didn't know I could use it elsewhere!

Anvilcloud said...

@Spare: CTRL-Z (delete a step) is standard, as are CTRL-X (cut) and CTRL-V (paste)

@Ed: I didn't try CTRL-Y (undo) right away, and then was too late.

Bindu said...

I love the photo in the middle. The sun on the flowers is beautiful!

roentare said...

The last capture is the best I have seen. Looking vulnerable yet serene.

Joanne Noragon said...

Trillium i the fabulous bloom of spring.

Red said...

I like trilliums , but we don't have any here.

MARY G said...

Number 3 because of the setting. And I bet you had some job getting the nice lighting you show, given the strength of the sun and the almost white petals. Good job!

Jeanie said...

Thank you for the reminder to go check the trillium this weekend over at the university gardens. I hope I haven't missed it. Your photos are wonderful -- they are such a favorite!

Kay said...

I saw DJan's post before about the rise of the trilliums. You've really, really captured their spring beauty here. Absolutely gorgeous!

And I thank you for teaching me that Control Z function. It has saved me a lot of anguish.